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Don’t Underestimate, Recognize the Symptoms of Heart Disease at an Early Age

Heart disease is the most dangerous disease in the world, this disease has caused many people to die. Therefore, one must be able to recognize the symptoms of this deadly disease.

The most recognizable thing is the appearance of chest pain. However, not all sufferers experience these symptoms.

Not infrequently, the emergence of heart disease is actually marked by other symptoms that are commonly experienced. This condition makes many people unaware that they have heart disease. Therefore, it is important for us to recognize other symptoms that indicate heart disease, apart from chest pain.

Various conditions that are commonly experienced every day can actually be a marker for someone suffering from heart disease. Well, here are conditions that need to be watched out for as a symptom of heart disease.

1. Fatigue,

Feeling tired is a very natural thing to experience. However, if fatigue continues, we need to be aware of it as a symptom of heart disease. Heart diseases characterized by fatigue include heart failure and coronary heart disease.

2. Body aches and pains for no apparent reason,

Blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle that occurs due to coronary heart disease causes the heart to work harder than it should. This makes the body feel sore. However, aches and pains are not always in the chest and can occur in the shoulders, hands, jaw, or stomach. More specifically, pain generally appears after exercise and goes away after resting.

3. Shortness of breath,

Shortness of breath after doing strenuous exercise is certainly a natural thing to happen. However, if you are often short of breath even though you only do a little activity, this could indicate someone has heart problems.

4. Swollen feet Swollen,

In the legs, it could be a sign that the heart is not pumping blood effectively as it should. When the heart can’t pump blood quickly, blood builds up in the veins, causing swelling. In conditions of heart failure, the kidneys also have difficulty removing excess fluid and sodium in the body so that swelling can occur.

5. irregular heartbeat,

When you feel nervous or excited, you will usually feel your heart beating fast or irregularly. However, if the heart often beats fast at unexpected times and the cause is unknown, then it needs to be watched out. Even so, several other things such as consuming too much caffeine and lack of sleep can also cause the heart to beat irregularly.

6.Nausea or stomach pain,

In some cases, people with heart disease also experience nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain as symptoms. Generally, women experience this more often than men. Of course, stomach pain can be caused by many things besides heart disease.

However, this condition can also occur when a person has a heart attack. So, if you have a high risk of heart disease and experience stomach pain and nausea for no apparent reason, there’s no harm in seeing a doctor.

7. Sweating a lot,

A lot of sweating suddenly for no apparent reason is something to watch out for as a symptom of heart disease, especially when accompanied by pain in the chest. If you experience this, consult a doctor immediately. The various conditions above are often not recognized as symptoms of heart disease, so there are still many people who do not get checked out after experiencing them.

If you experience the symptoms above, consult a doctor immediately to confirm your health condition.

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