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Don’t throw your bills, you risk paying again

Did you know that it is not recommended to throw bills, even after paying? This is because we risk having to pay back

Bills to pay (Photo source: web)

True, all that rubbish in the house is annoying. Whether they are notices, bills and everything that is delivered to us by post, we would like to get rid of them soon. But yet, bills should not be thrown away. And now we reveal another one: if the tax authorities call, you must always answer, even if on vacation.

This, because even things that seem very formal to us and related to simple bureaucracy, actually risk making us pay twice, and we have no excuses. Certainly there will then be times that will allow us to move away from certain paper proofs, having to insert the new ones in our drawers, let’s see how it works.

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Don’t throw your bills – that’s what it’s for

Indeed, a paid bill is absolutely equivalent to proof of payment for the service. If the manager in fact, by mistake, were to ask us for a payment that does not appear, we would have proof that the error is his and not ours. On the merits, the Civil Code to article 2934, provides that each bill has a limitation period and that only after that date, it would no longer be possible to request payments.

In any case, it is always better to pay them, like even the car tax, to avoid nasty surprises. In any case, it can happen, but it rarely happens, that the supplier remembers to ask for the payment of an alleged unpaid bill, after the prescription period. Here, only at that moment we would not be required to respond. The same prescription times then, vary from bill to bill, and depending on the provision of the service.

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At this point, having established that we must keep the bills paid as proof, we understand what the prescription consists of. The electricity bills, up to February 2018, have a five-year prescription, while two are enough, for those from March 2018. The same conditions apply to those for gas. The prescription for water is five years, until 31 December 2019 which becomes two, from January 2020. The problem, however, is that Canona RAI is linked to the electricity bills. This won’t allow us to throw every bill away for ten years. Now, it will be enough to settle with the issue date and it will be easy to know after how much, we will be able to say goodbye to the bill.

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