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“Don’t stop the war”: the brother of the late Adam Bismuth lashed out at…

During the funeral of the late Major General Bismuth, who fell in the collapse of the buildings in Khan Yunis, his brother lashed out in pain at Minister Benny Gantz who was present at the funeral: “My brother did not die in vain, don’t stop the war, it’s on you, on you, don’t stop the war ” • Those present at the funeral grabbed the bereaved brother, who was overcome by a storm of emotions, and held him – after that the brother apologized to the minister, in front of all those present

N12 | Published 01/24/24 16:52 | Updated 01/24/24 17:07

During the funeral of the late Sergeant Major Adam Bismuth, who fell in the heavy disaster in Khan Yunis yesterday (Monday), his brother shouted in pain at Minister Benny Gantz who was present at the funeral. “My brother didn’t die for nothing, don’t stop the war. It’s on you, on you, don’t stop the war,” the brother shouted and started to move towards the minister.

Those present at the funeral grabbed the bereaved brother, who was in a storm of emotions, and held him. Eyewitnesses said that afterwards, when the mother went up to eulogize, the brother apologized in front of everyone.

Major General (res.) Adam Bismut, 35 years old from Samaria, was a platoon commander in Battalion 6261 in Brigade 261. As CEO of the start-up company SightBit, he developed a solution to prevent drownings on the beaches.

At the local council, the Horns of Shomron said goodbye to the son of the Yishuv: “The eternal child of the gardens of Shomron, his kindness illuminated his surroundings, loved and loved who fought for the defense of the Land of Israel. Our hearts are with Ruthi, and the beloved brothers Nati, Liron, Avi and Miri. There is no consolation except that we will be worthy of you, And to all the soldiers fighting for the continuation of our lives here.”

Sergeant Major (res.) Adam Bismuth, the late | Photo: IDF spokesman

The Faculty of Management at Ben Gurion University also said goodbye to the late Adam: “Adam was a graduate of the Department of Business Administration, a beloved and appreciated lecturer at the faculty and the leader of the ‘Social Challenge’ workshop since its inception. A good and valuable person who directed all his abilities to educating male and female students and doing good.”

“Adam founded and initiated the Sightbit company, which developed a camera that helps rescuers see activities and signs of distress in the water from a great distance, thus saving lives. In the ‘Social Challenge’ workshop, he created a platform for bringing innovative ideas to real social problems, thus allowing our students the opportunity to use entrepreneurship and innovation for the benefit of doing good for society We are shocked, hurt and share in the family’s great sorrow.”

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