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Don’t pick up the phone with such words. Fraudsters can take advantage of them

How do I start a phone call? Although the choice of specific words seems insignificant, it can save us from problems. It is also a way to make life difficult for telephone fraudsters.

If we use the wrong words when starting a telephone conversation, they may be used – without our knowledge and consent – against us. It’s about “yes, I’m listening”, words that many people say automatically when they answer a call.

To the threat associated with such a beginning of the conversation one of the readers of dobreprogramy.pl drew attention. In his case, after the words “yes, I’m listening”, the person on the other side replied “thank you, then that’s all for me. Tomorrow we will send you an invoice.”

Almost all of us receive multiple calls with different offers, often from unknown numbers. “Yes, I’m listening”, uttered at the beginning of the conversation, mean that a possible scammer gets the desired word at the beginning – “yes”.

Don’t pick up the phone with such words.  Fraudsters can take advantage of them

False confirmation

Thanks to this, it is able to easily prepare a conversation, creating a recording from which – due to the confirmation taken out of the context – our consent to the purchase of various types of products or services may result, and thus confirmation concluding a distance contract.

Dishonest companies can take advantage of this by creating endorsements of our alleged consents. Pursuing your rights, although possible, in such a situation requires efforts on our part and may take a lot of time.

Although theoretically we have 14 days for termination of the contract concluded in this waybetter to avoid the problem. For this reason, a better, safer solution is to get into the habit of answering calls in other words, such as “listening” or “hello”.

Łukasz Michalik, journalist of dobreprogramy.pl

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