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Don’t overlook PTSD

Several researches in recent years, specifically since the beginning of the Corona pandemic and the emergence of extreme natural phenomena, have monitored an unprecedented increase in the number of people with post-traumatic stress disorder, which appears after a period of painful and dangerous events.

Millions of people around the world suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, a psychological condition that usually accompanies those who have gone through difficult circumstances and experienced painful experiences such as losing loved ones, contracting diseases, or even exposure to violence.

This disorder, which was described by the World Health Organization as the worst thing a person suffers from, may leave the person with it alone, depressed, with no appetite and indifferent to what is around him.

Mental health experts believe that with the changes that are taking place in the world, whether they are economic, natural, or resulting from conflicts, the tragic situations that pass on some people or that they see in front of them leave bad and sad effects within them that cannot be easily overcome.

Medical statistics indicate that post-traumatic stress disorder appeared clearly, during and after the Corona pandemic, and during conflicts, wars and natural disasters, and that people with this psychological disorder can retrieve the internal memories stored by the accidents again in an emotional and emotional way, as if they are happening again.

Doctors point out the importance of providing aid and psychological assistance to those with this disorder so that it does not reflect very badly on the patient himself and those around him.

In an interview with Sabah, “Sky News Arabia”, a mental and psychiatric consultant, Elias Shadid, explains the symptoms and how to intervene to treat or avoid post-traumatic stress disorder.

  • Every person when he suffers from a severe accident is subject to shock, but not every reaction is considered post-traumatic stress disorder.. It must pass a month until we verify that.
  • The first week, or two, is a normal reaction.. But immediate intervention after the trauma avoids the person developing PTSD.
  • There are some signs that make us think that this person is exposed to post-traumatic stress disorder.. including the strength of the trauma and personality, how he deals with things if he is a positive or negative personality.
  • Addiction to alcohol and drugs, puts its owners at great risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder, and people who suffer from mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety.
  • There are factors that require us to pay attention to the person who suffers from it, in order to intervene in a timely manner to avoid the risk of traumatic disorders.
  • Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder are many, including that the person always complains of alertness and fear, and avoids things that remind him of the trauma.
  • Early treatment must be intervened in the case of a person thinking of suicide, or when he leaves going to work, and refraining from eating and sleeping.
  • Apoptosis is not a disease, but rather a signal that there is a disease, when addressing the causes of PTSD automatically depression improves.
  • Behavioral therapy is very important, and it develops the patient’s personality and way of thinking.. Life is full of traumas. We can benefit from these traumas from the person’s treatment in order to strengthen his personality and temperament so that he can better face other traumas.

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