Tips for Lifelong Good Health
From the Chinese actress Qin Yi, she lived to be 100 years old and survived cancer. The importance of this point Do not spend a single baht. In addition, it is also healthy.
Qin Yi is a Chinese actress. She is famous for her stage performances in Chongqing. During the war between China and the Second Japanese War, after the war she became one of the most popular film actors in China. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, she was recognized as one of the leading female actresses. Ranked at the top of the country’s rankings, Premier Zhou Enlai called her “the most beautiful woman in China”.

But later, in 1966, at that time, Qin Yi was 44 years old. This terrible disease forced her to truly love herself. She battled colon cancer until she survived and lived to be 100 years old before her death on May 9, 2022.
In this story, before she left this world, Qin Yi shared the secret that you must do these 3 things to live a long and healthy life.
1. positive thinking
Qin Yi emphasizes the power of positive thinking. You can have a positive impact on life, both mentally and emotionally, on your physical health too, positive thinking can help us manage stress better. And that makes us live longer too.
2. Eat healthy food
Qin Yi gave some advice about eating. You must eat nutritious food. Eat a variety of foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It can help to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Traditional Chinese medicine also emphasizes the importance of diet for health and longevity. He suggests that food can be used as medicine to nourish the body and prevent illness.

3. daily walk
Regular exercise Especially walking Walking is a low-impact exercise that improves cardiovascular health. We can do it easily.
And here are 3 secrets that will make Qin Yi Have good health They can live up to 100 years and also survive serious diseases like cancer.
Don’t forget to include it too. Think well, eat well, walk well just this will make us healthy.

2024-08-12 10:49:00
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