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“Don’t let it fall out any more”… Can you keep your hair by eating ‘these foods’?

Eat high-protein, low-fat foods or foods rich in iron and zinc.

input 2024.10.25 10:05

input 2024.10.25 10:05correction 2024.10.25 11:01
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<img class="size-medium wp-image-1731266 ewww_webp_lazy_load" http:="" alt="Raw oysters and seasoned oysters” width=”700″ height=”475″ srcset=”https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557-700×475.jpg 700w, https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557-200×136.jpg 200w, https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557.jpg 717w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px” src=”https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557-700×475.jpg” src-webp=”https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557-700×475.jpg.webp” srcset-webp=”https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557-700×475.jpg.webp 700w, https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557-200×136.jpg.webp 200w, https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557.jpg.webp 717w”/>Seafood such as oysters, which are rich in zinc, help prevent hair loss. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Hair loss becomes worse in the fall. The main cause is that the scalp and hair become weak due to strong UV rays and sweat during the summer.

Additionally, when the temperature drops, the secretion of male hormones increases, and this phenomenon inhibits the production of energy necessary for hair growth and development, suppressing the growth of hair in the front and crown areas. In particular, when the scalp becomes dry, heat is generated in the brain and scalp.

The sebaceous glands on the scalp are stimulated, which increases sebum production, which increases the likelihood of clogging pores or causing inflammation. Hair loss that progresses in this way is often called male pattern baldness.

When your hair starts falling out, you become afraid of going to the hair salon and hate looking in the mirror. In relation to this, we looked into foods that can prevent hair loss based on data from American broadcaster Fox News.

A lot of zinc in seafood=Many people who experience hair loss are deficient in zinc. Zinc affects cell reproduction and hair growth for hormonal balance.

Additionally, zinc is used to manage hair follicles, so a lack of zinc weakens hair follicles. Foods rich in zinc include chicken, mussels, shrimp, nuts, and oysters.

Protein-rich foods such as fish, eggs, and beans=Everyone knows that hair is made of protein. To maintain healthy hair, it is best to eat foods rich in protein.

However, you should not eat meat every day to get protein. Even if it is rich in protein, high-fat foods can increase testosterone levels and cause hair to fall out.

Foods that are rich in protein but low in fat are good, such as fish, chicken, calf liver, low-fat cheese, eggs, almonds, beans, yogurt, soy milk, and tofu.

Foods containing silicon dioxide, such as bean sprouts and cucumber peels=Silicon dioxide is not an ingredient usually associated with hair. However, if you want to grow hair, silicon dioxide is a good ingredient. The human body needs silicon dioxide to help absorb vitamins and minerals.

Silicon dioxide can be found in bean sprouts, cucumber peels, red and green peppers, and potatoes. Remember, these are more nutritious when eaten raw than when cooked.

potato=Potatoes are rich in silicon dioxide, which is good for hair. However, this does not mean that you should eat French fries. This is because greasy foods are the worst for preventing hair loss.

If you miss the taste of hamburgers and French fries, slice and grill your own potatoes. Above all, a balanced diet is important for hair health. Remember that eating too much can also cause hair loss.

Foods rich in iron, such as raisins=Iron makes hemoglobin, which plays a role in transporting oxygen throughout the body. Hemoglobin facilitates blood flow to the scalp and stimulates hair growth.

If you want something sweet, dried fruits like raisins or cherry juice are good options. Also, dark green vegetables such as eggs, jujubes, and kale, and unrefined grain cereals are also good. Vitamin C, which helps iron absorption, can be consumed from fruits such as oranges, strawberries, and lemons.

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