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“Don’t leave me wrong and don’t speak weas”: What was this poster doing in the middle of the Chamber of Deputies? | National

The new deputy Tomas Fuentes, after being sworn in as a member of parliament this Thursday, was teased by his colleagues from the National Renewal bench during the session in the Chamber.

After taking office, who he came to replace Marcela Sabat, who in turn went to replace Andrés Allamand in the Senate after his appointment as chancellor, approached to greet everyone.

And when he came to his seat, Fuentes, who until the recent cabinet change was serving as Allamand’s chief of staff and was even his campaign manager in the 2013 senatorial, realized he had been left with a particular joke about his position. : a poster with a photo of the now minister and a message saying “Don’t leave me wrong and don’t speak weas! A big hug, Andrés Allamand ”, partly in reference to the phrase that the then senator released a few weeks ago in a Mixed Commission session in which the microphone was left open.

He hardly saw it, Fuentes began to laugh at the situation, and then his colleagues started teasing him., they took the photo and then posed for the camera of Agencia UNO, in whose capture appears the deputy Andrés Longton holding the photo, along with other members of the RN group such as Karin Luck, Miguel Mellado and Francisco Eguiguren himself, to whom it was addressed Allamand’s epithet last June 30.

Leonardo Rubilar | UNO Agency

“It’s a joke. She is pretty. I take it with great humor. I think RN’s bench is doing well. We have had some difficult months, but as Minister Desbordes and Allamand said, the differences must be set aside and we must move forward, ”he said in his first spokesman as a parliamentarian when asked about the episode.

First bill

More seriously, he announced that together with the new deputy Camilio Morán, who took over from Mario Desbordes, appointed Minister of Defense, They will present their first bill to change the system of replacement of parliamentarians, so that it is not the political party who has to make the appointment, but rather it is through the list of candidates who applied, as long as they have obtained at least 3% in the vote.

Otherwise, it proposes that the political party carry out a complementary election that allows defining the new deputy, where the militants and independents participate, which would allow to settle the criticisms regarding the representativeness that arise every time the parties define by finger the replacement of parliamentarians who leave their positions to assume in the cabinet.

However, in the opposition they went further: the deputy Esteban Velásquez (FRVS) presented an initiative to rightly prevent parliamentarians from being appointed as ministers. “Today, more than ever, democratic coexistence must be taken care of, respecting the will of the citizens, attending to the political moment we are living, called for the true constituent power. The value of suffrage must be on the threshold today. That suffrage must have a greater value than the desire, personal, political and even whimsical, of a certain President of the Republic to choose his Ministers or diplomats, “said the MP after entering his project.

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