Al Marsad Newspaper: Back pain is one of the most annoying degenerative diseases for which people seek medical help
According to Healthline, the areas where back pain occurs most are:
1- Ligaments and muscles
2- Intervertebral discs
3- Nerves
4- It can also be due to a problem in nearby organs such as the kidneys.
Since the signs and symptoms of this disease range from muscle pain to a shooting, burning, or tingling sensation, it can also originate in the lower leg.
Some other symptoms include:
1- Lasts more than a few weeks.
2- Back pain doesn’t get better with rest.
3-Pain spreads down one or both legs.
4-causes weakness, numbness and tingling.
5-Unexplained weight loss.
6-causes new bowel or bladder problems.
7-accompanied by fever.