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Don’t get crazy, here are 5 surefire tips to deal with hunger eyes

Food is a basic need of everyone. However, if you always want to eat and get crazy whenever you see food, this is not good. This is a description of “hungry eyes”. Are there any tips to solve it?

If you always feel like eating, it could be that you are just hungry for eyes and not really hungry. Hunger can be interpreted as the desire to always chew, for example when looking at food, imagining about food, or talking about food.

Relax, this desire to always chew can be overcome. Well, below are some tips you can do to deal with eye hunger.

1. Eat enough protein

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Adding more protein to your diet can increase satiety, which makes it easier for you hungry eyes and eating less at the next meal, also helps reduce body fat.

For example, a study in International Journal of Obesity about dropping body weight is done by comparing two types of breakfast that are identical to calories: one consisting of eggs, the other consisting of bagel.

In the study, participants who ate breakfast eggs lost 65 percent more body weight and 16 percent more body fat over the eight-week study period.

2. Don’t skip breakfast

Do not get crazy, here are 5 tips for overcoming hunger eyespexels.com/VisionPic .net

Skipping breakfast can cause cravings and increases the risk of overeating. For this reason, having breakfast regularly is one of the most effective ways to treat hunger eyes.

One small study for 2 months in Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental showed that one large meal per day led to an increase in levels blood sugar and the hunger-stimulating hormone or grelin is greater than three meals a day.

Another study on 38 people was published in the journal Eating Behaviors found that regular eating patterns were associated with reduced frequency of overeating.

Also read: 5 reasons why you feel hungry all the time, don’t underestimate it!

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3. Yoga

Do not get crazy, here are 5 tips for overcoming hunger eyesunsplash.com/Kaylee Garrett

Yoga is a practice that engages the body and mind using breathing exercises, poses, and meditation specifically to reduce stress and promote relaxation. One of the benefits that yoga offers is that it helps promote healthy eating habits and reduces the risk of emotional eating.

Quoted from page Healthline, yoga has been shown to cause a significant reduction in overeating. Yoga can also lower levels of stress hormones such as cortisol to control stress and prevent overeating.

4. Clean the kitchen from unhealthy food

Do not get crazy, here are 5 tips for overcoming hunger eyespexels.com/Craig Adderley

Save a lot junk food in the kitchen can make it easier for you to overeat. Instead, save healthy food can reduce the risk of emotional eating, quoted from the page Healthline.

So, start cleaning the kitchen from processed foods such as chips, candy, and fast food replace them with healthier foods. Replacing snacks with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts, can improve your diet and reduce the risk of overeating.

5. Keep a food and mood journal

Do not get crazy, here are 5 tips for overcoming hunger eyespexels.com/Ketut Subiyanto

Most of the time, eye hunger is caused by stress and not due to real hunger. For that, keep a journal mood and foods that track what you eat and how you feel can be effective tools. This can help identify potential emotional and food triggers, as well as promote eating habit healthier.

One study in a journal Behavioral Sciences involving 17 people showed that using a self-help program online which involved keeping a food diary was associated with fewer episodes of overeating. For that, start recording what you eat and how you feel every day using a journal or an app.

Even though it is a normal condition, it doesn’t mean you can continue to let your hungry eyes experience. Immediately do the steps above so that you avoid hungry eyes and health risk who lurked.

Also Read: Rarely Realized, These 6 Bad Habits Make You Always Hungry

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