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Don’t Eat Too Fast! This is the risk

TRIBUNJATENG.COM – Some of us may have habits eat in a way fast.

This habit can actually improve risk various disease in the future.

Reported by ScienceAlert, a study published in the Scientific Session of the American Heart Association in 2017 found that eating too fast can lead to weight gain and trigger heart problems.

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The study found that people who eat Slower people are less likely to be obese and less likely to develop metabolic syndrome or a combination of enhancing disorders risk disease heart, diabetes, and stroke.

These disorders include high blood pressure, high fasting blood sugar, and low HDL (good cholesterol) cholesterol levels.

Each disorder is considered dangerous, but if diagnosed together will develop a higher level of cardiovascular problems.

“Eating more slowly may be an important lifestyle change to help prevent metabolic syndrome,” said study author and expert heart from Hiroshima University in Japan, Takayuki Yamaji.

He added, that person eat fast tend not to feel full so tend to eat excess.

Eat fast also cause larger glucose fluctuations, which can lead to insulin resistance.

Yamaji and other research colleagues looked at 642 men and 441 women with a mean age of 51.2 years.

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