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Don’t eat sugar for a month – the consequences are incredible!

You could go a month without eating sugars? This question makes many people think, and it is not surprising that, for several years now, science has provided several studies on the harm that excessive sugar intake can cause. But what would happen to our body if we stopped eating sugar for a month? Within this article we will answer this and other questions.


What is the right amount of sugar?

We would like to clarify that as regards the dosage, there are specific parameters, that is equal, as recalled by the WHO, to 10% of the daily caloric intake, in the very lazy paragraphs we will reveal what happens to the body of those who, for a month, decide not to eat more sugar.

Stop eating sugar, here are the effects on our body

By the time we manage to stop eating sugar for a month, the changes will be noticed very soon. First of all, we may begin to feel some symptoms of abstinence since, if you used to eat a lot of sugary foods, sugar can cause a real one addiction. To understand how the situation changes, we point out that, every time you eat a small dose of sugar, you quickly experience the desire to take more. This happens because the human brain reaches a level of complete contentment about 20 minutes after consuming sugar. However, after more time, other less welcome sensations will manifest. About an hour after consuming sugar, you are more productive on average and, generally, you don’t want to take more sugar. What if you manage not to take sugar for three days? Those who are used to often introducing these nutrients into their diet may feel a sense of withdrawal after three days without them. The phase just described could last for about a week. Past i seven days without ingesting sugar, especially if you follow a well balanced diet, it is easy to feel more energetic and no longer have to deal with moments of abstinence. After a month, the body has completely detoxified and we no longer have to deal with withdrawal crises. We also want to clarify that i benefits also concern the intestine and, above all, the reduction of its level of inflammation. As you surely already know, eating sugar is important as it is the fuel for our body: totally removing it is wrong. What matters is both following the quantities established by the WHO, and choosing the right foods, i.e. sources of complex carbohydrates such as whole foods. To be consumed carefully if you have problems such as irritable bowel, they allow you to slow down the absorption of glucose and cholesterol food, and this, of course, also brings advantages as regards the weight control and for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

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