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Don’t cover your MacBook camera!

Some users are more comfortable if the webcam on the notebook is covered when it is not in use. But now Apple warns against the use of such privacy covers on its MacBooks.

Photo series with 11 pictures

From a simple sticker to a stick-on mini slide mechanism: there are many options for a lens Notebook– Mask the webcam if you are afraid of being watched or spied on.

However, Apple advises Macbook owners against such covers: They could damage the display if the notebook is closed because the distance between the keyboard and the screen is designed for very small tolerances. That applies to both MacBook and MacBook Air as well as for the MacBook Pro.


Camera and LED can not be without each other

Users could click the status LED next to the Camera leave, explains the company. This indicator lights up green when the webcam is active. The camera and status display are designed so that they can only be switched on together.

Anyone who does not want to rely on Apple’s technical assurance should, according to the information, ensure that the cover used is not thicker than a sheet of printer paper (0.1 millimeters) and does not leave any adhesive residue. If you use a thicker cover, you have to remove it before closing the Macbook.

Apple also points out that covering the integrated camera could also impair the function of the ambient light sensor – and thus prevent the automatic brightness and adjustment of colors and their intensity (True Tone) from working.

Does it make sense to cover the camera?

Many people mask the cameras on their devices for fear of surveillance. As a survey by the digital association Bitkom in 2018 showed, one in four of the survey therefore tapes the cameras of their devices. More on this read here.

In 2016, it became known that Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg, among other things, was gluing his laptop camera and microphone. In fact, criminals can access users’ cameras through malware. So said Nabil Alsabah, speaker for IT security at Bitkom 2018: “If high-tech devices are infected with malware, cybercriminals can use the integrated cameras for unwanted surveillance.”

To protect yourself from this, users should always keep their device software up to date. A Antivirus software can help detect malware. In the worst case, you have to format your device. Therefore, avoid infecting the computer. For example, do not click Links in E-Mails from strangers and do not download suspicious files to your device.

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