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Don’t care, there’s no benefit


Ministry of Home Affairs call Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) currently not registered as one of the mass organizations. FPI doesn’t care Registered Certificate (SKT) unpublished Ministry of Home Affairs because it is considered of no benefit.

“FPI doesn’t care. Whether the SKT is issued or not, there is no benefit for FPI. Without the SKT, FPI will still be the defender of religion and servants of the people,” said Deputy General Secretary of FPI Aziz Yanuar in his statement, Saturday (21/11) / 2020).

Aziz said mass organizations are not obliged to register with Ministry of Home Affairs. The registration, said Aziz, is only an access to get APBN assistance funds.

“FPI has so far been independent in terms of funds, never asking for APBN funds,” said Aziz.

Aziz said that FPI has actually proven itself by registering with the government for the last 20 years. However, continued Aziz, FPI never used it SKT the.

“FPI has submitted all the administrative requirements requested by the government. FPI has received a recommendation from the Ministry of Religion and the formal administrative requirement documents should be sufficient, SKT is just an administrative matter,” he said.

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