Home » today » Business » Don’t buy butter for 70 crowns anymore. When baking, you can easily replace it in a great way, like our grandmothers used to do

Don’t buy butter for 70 crowns anymore. When baking, you can easily replace it in a great way, like our grandmothers used to do

Butter, with its rich flavor and texture, is a basic building block in many baking recipes. However, its price and dietary restrictions may lead to the search for alternatives. These alternatives offer variety and can even bring a new dimension of flavor with a different texture to the treats you prepare.

Oils: Universal substitute

Vegetable oils are often the first choice for replacing butter in recipes. Sunflower and rapeseed oil are neutral in taste, while olive oil adds a unique flavor. In most recipes, you can replace the butter with the same amount of oil, or a little less​​. Vegetable oils are also suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or have a milk allergy.

Bet on dairy products

For those who do not have a problem with dairy products, full-fat Greek yogurt is an excellent substitute. Try adding it to buns and cakes. It brings an interesting texture and acidity that can significantly enrich baked goods.

Fruits and vegetables as a healthier alternative

For those looking for ways to reduce the fat content of their recipes, pureed fruits and vegetables such as pumpkin, apples or bananas offer an attractive option. These natural sweeteners can fully replace the fats in the recipe, while adding vitamins and minerals​​.

Ghee and coconut oil

Ghee, or clarified butter, is a great alternative, especially for those with food intolerances. Coconut oil, with its distinct flavor, is ideal for baking where coconut flavor is desired.​​​​

Foto: Shutterstock

A wider spectrum of alternatives

According to other sources, there are a wide variety of other substitutes, including applesauce, avocado, nut butters, pumpkin puree, buttermilk, sour cream, silken tofu, and even vegan dairy-free butter. These alternatives offer different flavor profiles and textures that can liven up your baking.

Cooking without butter

In cooking, where butter is often used for frying vegetables, cooking meats and preparing sauces, regular oil is the best substitute. Oils like coconut have a strong flavor that can affect the final taste of your recipe. Dairy substitutes such as buttermilk and Greek yogurt are also good choices, especially when added to sauces and soups.

Foto: Shutterstock, resources: KitchenAid, Taste of Home

2023-11-18 10:26:13
#Dont #buy #butter #crowns #anymore #baking #easily #replace #great #grandmothers

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