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Don’t Be Fooled! Here are a series of myths about breast cancer that you must know – All Pages

GridHype.ID Breast cancer it is still a chronic disease that is feared by most women.

Not without reason, because, breast cancer often attacking women.

Although in some cases there are also men who have breast cancer.

To be sure, many people are afraid of the disease, to all myth breast cancer trusted too.

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For that, don’t just be afraid about breast cancer, but you also have to know which ones are facts and which ones are myths.

As is known, breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer.

Quoted TribunWow.con from womendays.com, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS), a woman’s chance of developing this disease in her lifetime is about 1 in 8.

Here are 10 things that are myths about breast cancer:

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1. Can be infected only if the family has a history

It’s one of the most widely circulated misunderstandings in society.

But 70 percent of diagnoses are believed to be sporadic, meaning they don’t come from a family history.

According to Julie R. Gralow, director of breast medical oncology at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, if you have a family history of cancer, the age for early detection is 25.

Meanwhile, if there is no family history, it is recommended that women start screening if they suspect symptoms at the age of 45.

But again, it’s best to talk to your doctor to determine what is right for you.

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2. Only women get breast cancer

Although women are more likely to develop breast cancer, it is possible that men can also get breast cancer.

In fact, the ACS says that about 2,550 men are diagnosed and about 480 will die of breast cancer in 2018.

Breast cancer found in men is usually at an advanced stage.

While the reasons why women are more likely to get breast cancer are because men have no exposure to estrogen and progesterone, they don’t breastfeed, and they have very few ducts and lobules, which is where breast cancer begins.

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3. If you find a lump, it may be cancer

Although we can check for lumps in the breast independently, we often start to fear if we find them.

But don’t panic just yet.

In fact, 75 percent of lumps encountered in the breast are something less serious, such as a cyst or a benign noncancerous growth.

It could also be related to your menstrual cycle.

Meanwhile, if you find a lump, you should immediately make a visit to the doctor.

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4. Young women don’t get breast cancer

Breast cancer can occur at any age, although it is more common in older women in the age range of 55 years and over.

However, that does not mean those who are young can not get breast cancer.

When compared to older women, those diagnosed before age 40 tended to face more aggressive cancers.

Research even shows that breast cancer before the age of 40 is biologically different from the cancers faced by older women.

In addition, the detection of lumps can be more difficult for younger women because they have denser breast tissue.

That’s why, regardless of your age, if you see changes in your breasts, you should have them checked.

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5. You can’t get breast cancer while pregnant

According to a study published in Reviews in Obstetrics & Gynecology, breast cancer is the second most common malignancy affecting pregnancy.

And about 1 in 3000 pregnant women suffer from breast cancer.

6. Deodorants cause breast cancer

Most breast cancers develop in the upper part of the breast close to the armpit.

This has led some to believe that deodorants provoke breast cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, this myth stems from writings claiming cancer-causing substances in deodorants are absorbed into the skin, causing cancer-causing toxins.

Researchers have debunked this in a number of studies, so you can use deodorant in peace.

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7. Wearing a bra causes breast cancer

There is no biological evidence of an association between wearing a bra (especially underwire bras) and an increased risk of breast cancer.

A study published in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, studying more than 1,500 women found no association between wearing a bra and an increased risk of breast cancer.

8. Only your mother’s side of the family determines the risk

This is a common misperception.

You should look at both sides of the family tree when assessing your risk of developing breast cancer.

Although the first level (a mother, sister, or daughter) is the main in assessing the level of breast cancer risk, Dr. Runowicz says you also need to analyze your father’s brother and mother.

It is best to keep in touch with the doctor to see the risk of cancer.

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9. Self-examination should not only focus on lumps

Lumps aren’t the only thing on your breasts to look out for.

In addition to lumps, the shape, size, appearance of your breasts also need to be watched out for.

During a doctor’s visit, it is usually seen from the breast area that feels firmer or thicker, larger, the pores are more visible in one place on your skin.

Or you also find skin wrinkles, nipple reversal inward, or bloody discharge.

Keep in mind, there are also symptoms that indicate the breast has a rash-like spot, swelling either in one place or all over the breast, or an abnormal breast temperature.

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10. If you have cancer in one breast, you may get it in the other breast

Chances are that if you have cancer in one breast, it’s not always the other breast.

The risk is only about 5 percent that they will get cancer in the other breast.

When the gene has a history of cancer, it is 40 percent higher in this cancer.

This is because carriers of the gene mutation are more likely to develop breast cancer.

This article was published on TribunWow.com under the title “10 Breast Cancer Myths You Shouldn’t Believe Immediately, Descendants to Using Deodorant


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