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Doni Salmanan’s Account Balance Puzzle

Bandung – Often appear to live in luxury and show off abundant wealth. This temperament is attached to the figure of Doni Salmanan. Men nicknamed crazy rich Bandung caught the public’s attention because of the alleged fraud case and the Money Laundering Crime (TPPU) on the Quotex platform.

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has named Doni Salmanan as a suspect. The police also put the Quotex affiliate in a detention cell.

The puzzle has not been revealed, namely the contents of Doni Salmanan’s balance. The police are still silent regarding the nominal balance lodged in the suspect’s account. However, the police confirmed that Doni Salmanan’s account was blocked.

“Blocking (Doni Salmanan’s account) is already there,” said the Director of Criminal Investigation at the National Police, Brigadier General Asep Edi Suheri, as quoted by detikJabar from detiknews, Friday (11/3).

Check Fund Flow

Investigators are now investigating the suspect’s account and the flow of incoming funds. Doni Salmanan’s assets are in danger of being confiscated.

“There will also be a tracing of the suspect’s assets and the flow of funds flowing from the suspect’s account or to the suspect’s account related to this crime. Of course after that the funds or assets from this crime will be confiscated,” said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, Wednesday (9/3).

Police said they would investigate this case. Including the alleged flow of funds received by the suspect’s family and a number of public figures.

“All flows of funds given from the person concerned to anyone, whether to family or other people, any party, where the funds originate from criminal acts, will be confiscated by investigators,” said Ramadhan.

PPATK explanation

To investigate Doni Salmanan’s account, police investigators will coordinate with the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK). The Coordinator of the Public Relations Substances Group for the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) M Natsir Kongah said the contents of Doni Salmanan’s blocked account were included in Rp. 99 billion which had been blocked by investigators.

According to him, his party already knows the flow of transactions for each blocked account. From data as of March 10, 2022, Natsir explained, PPATK temporarily suspended transactions related to alleged illegal investment transactions as many as 121 accounts owned by 49 parties in 56 Financial Service Providers. The total nominal amount is IDR 353,980,706,680.

“Of this amount, Rp. 99,111,429,666 has been blocked by investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit. (Doni Salmanan’s account is blocked) It is in it. All parties, the parties in it are clearly detailed from where and where the funds flowed, “said Natsir.

Natsir did not explain the contents of Doni Salmanan’s account which had been blocked. He said it could only be submitted to the Criminal Investigation Police investigator.

“It’s just that the results of the analysis and the results of the examinations carried out can only be conveyed to investigators, in this case the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit,” said Natsir.

Lawyer Doni Salmanan’s Response

The police blocked the account belonging to Doni Salmanan who was named the suspect in connection with Quotex. Lawyer Doni Salmanan followed the steps taken by the Criminal Investigation Police investigator.

“We’ll just follow it first,” said Ikbar Firdaus, a lawyer from Doni Salmanan detikJabarFriday (11/3/2022).

Ikbar said his party would be cooperative. Regarding the investigation process. “We are cooperative in following the current procedure,” said Ikbar.

Until now the police have not determined what assets will be confiscated from Doni Salmanan. Responding to the plan to confiscate assets by the police, Ikbar emphasized that his party had not received any official information.

“The police haven’t arrived yet. But actually we haven’t got the exact news, we haven’t fixed the schedule (of the seizure),” he said.

Just to note, Doni Salmanan has several assets including a private house building in the elite residential area of ​​Kota Baru Parahyangan, Padalarang, West Bandung Regency (KBB). Ikbar said the plan to confiscate his client’s assets, including those in Kota Baru Parahyangan, was part of a series of blocking Doni’s accounts.

“Yes (a series of account blocking then to confiscation), more or less like that. But for details, just ask the investigators,” said Ikbar.


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