Seoul National University announced on the 27th that a research team led by Professor Lee Yong-seok of the School of Medicine confirmed that fear-related memories are created or reproduced when a neural circuit connected from the cerebellum to a specific part of the brainstem is activated. The research results were published on the 22nd in the international journal ‘Cell Report’.
Damage to the cerebellum is known to affect the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) or autism spectrum disorder. It is not known which region of the cerebellum interacts with other regions of the brain to cause these disorders.
The research team conducted an experiment to determine which regions of the cerebellum affect fear memory management. Using ‘fibrephotometry’ technology, which can observe the activity of neurons in living animals, they observed how neurons connected to the cerebellar nuclei are activated during fear conditioning learning and fear memory retrieval.
In addition, through optogenetic methods, neurons in the cerebellar nucleus were suppressed at each stage of learning and memory retrieval for fear conditioning. Through this, it was confirmed when these neurons were activated.
As a result of the analysis, it was newly revealed that the activation of a neural circuit connected from the cerebellum to the ‘lateral paralimbic nucleus’ of the brain stem is essential for fear memory reproduction. It was confirmed that the so-called ‘cerebellar nucleus-lateral paralimbic nucleus neural circuit’ mediates the transmission of glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter. The research team also confirmed that the activation of the lateral paralimbic nucleus neural circuit enhanced by fear conditioning learning could in itself induce a fear response.
The research team said, “This study went beyond the existing amygdala-centered fear/anxiety emotional function research and dealt with fear/anxiety emotional function at the whole brain level.” It is expected to help understand degradation and provide specific therapeutic targets.”