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Donating blood with a difference – we are Kaufbeuren

Image source: Josef-Landes-Schule

We are currently living in a difficult time in which hospitals need all the support they can to keep the system running as well as possible. The Josef-Landes-Schule would also like to make a small contribution to supporting the clinics in these difficult times and to at least relieve them a little on the important issue of blood donation. “We would therefore like to cordially invite you to our annual blood donation appointment in cooperation with the BRK”, explain Elena Streidl and Miriam Heidrich, who organize the event together with their colleagues.


Thursday, January 21st, 2021
2.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m.


At the Josef Landes School

It is not necessary to register in advance.

While the blood donation service of the BRK takes care of the medical side, the students have always been personally responsible for the well-being of the blood donors. Unfortunately, due to the corona measures this year, it is not possible to maintain this tradition. “We very much regret this,” explains Heidrich. “Nevertheless, the teachers at the Josef-Landes-Schule are ready to make donating blood as pleasant as possible.”

With a sophisticated hygiene and security concept, all corona measures are observed. Streidl reveals that there will be special meals again this year. “Even if it cannot be consumed on site this time, we have come up with a really great care package for ‘To-Go’. So don’t wait long, come to the Josef-Landes-Schule to donate blood. “

The pupils of the 9th grade of the Josef-Landes-Schule have been dealing with the topic of donating blood for a while. They would have liked to interview Lord Mayor Stefan Bosse live about this, but due to hygiene and safety regulations, the interview was done by email.

The interview with Mayor Stefan Bosse

The students of the Josef-Landes-Schule: How do you feel about donating blood?

Bump: Blood donation continues to be an essential contribution to the medical care of many people. It is very important that there are many blood donors.

Why do you think it is important to donate blood in times of the corona pandemic?

Bump: The need for blood donations is always great. Previous blood donors may not want to donate during the pandemic in order to avoid the risk of infection. That is why every blood donation made is particularly important now.

How often have you been to donate blood?

Bump: My blood donation card shows 49 blood donations, plus several spontaneous blood donations in the hospital during my time as a police officer.

In a few words, can you take other people’s fears of donating blood away?

Bump: Donating blood means saving lives. The effort for this is very low. The blood donation process is safe and not painful; the vast majority of people can tolerate the donation of 500 ml of blood.

The Josef-Landes-Schule would like to thank Lord Mayor Stefan Bosse for his words and the time he has taken and also now in advance to all voluntary donors who have the blood donation date on Thursday, January 21, 2021, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Josef-Landes-Schule will visit.

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