Home » today » World » Donatella Di Pietrantonio censored on Rai for having said who voted in Abruzzo

Donatella Di Pietrantonio censored on Rai for having said who voted in Abruzzo

Another Scurati case for Rai. This time it was the writer who was censored Donatella Di Pietrantoniofresh winner of the Strega Prize. Di Pietrantonio himself made it known in an interview with Luca Telesedirector of the Abruzzo newspaper the Center.

The author ofArminuta and of theFragile age she claims to have been embittered with Rai because she had been called for a monologue on Abruzzo for the programme What will it be, the same as the Scurati case. Monologue that required a lot of work from her. “It had to be broadcast – explains Di Pietrantonio -. It was the Saturday before the vote for the regional elections. In a long interview with the Republicamong other things I say that I will vote for the candidate of the broad camp, Luciano D’Amico”. So “Rai – he continues – calls the publishing house, not even me, and they say: “Since Di Pietrantonio has taken sides, for the sake of equal conditions we have to suspend her”. But “the bad thing”, claims the writer, is that the monologue was never broadcast. “And I still don’t understand why – he explains – given that seven months have passed”.

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Old concept

07 March 2024

The Democratic Party intervenes on the issue, through the treasurer and senator Michele Fina which announces a parliamentary question: “An episode – he states – which, in substance and manner, would be indicative of how the public service in the Tele Meloni version is reduced”.

The Democratic representative continues: “I will submit an urgent question today but this latest episode confirms, if anyone still needs it, the mandatory need for a profound reform of Rai, restoring freedom, independence and quality in the country to this fundamental company in the country. ‘offer”.

Rai’s reply

“There was no censorship.” This is what the Rai Insight Management specifies in relation to what was declared by the writer Donatella Di Pietrantonio. “The editorial staff and the presenter Serena Bortone, who had initially asked the writer for a contribution – is the clarification – following an interview given by her, in a period of equal conditions, with a precise indication of the vote, precisely in Abruzzo, decided independently not to broadcast it”.

“This is because – as communicated to Donatella Di Pietrantonio by Serena Bortone herself, host of the program at the time – it violated what was expressly provided for by the company rules regarding equal conditions and she correctly informed the Management of this”, reads a Rai note.

“As for the fact that the monologue was no longer broadcast, it is worth remembering that the writer Donatella Di Pietrantonio was again among the guests of ‘Chesarà’ on 24 March, when she read a monologue on the Fosse Ardeatine. The programme, then , closed last June and is no longer in the Rai schedule”, concludes the note.

#Donatella #Pietrantonio #censored #Rai #voted #Abruzzo

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