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Donate to Children’s Hospital

Juarez City.- After weeks of collection, the Juárez Conecta Rotary Club (CRJC), the Legión motorcycle club and other sponsors donated personal hygiene packages to the parents of the little ones who are in the Children’s Hospital (HIES), located in Vicente Guerrero. The president of the CRJC, César Vázquez, reported that in such activity they also provided face masks for the staff of the sanatorium and cleaning material for the interned minors.

He appealed to the solidarity of citizens to, if possible, help parents who must wait practically in the open, some camping, for data on the health of their children. He stressed that a large part of the population that is treated there does so through the Institute of Health for Well-being (Insabi), so they lack sufficient funds to pay, first, for help for their children, and second, for food to sustain them. .

“Personal hygiene supplies were taken to the parents of those who are being cared for and support was also provided with face masks for nursing, administration, security, and kits, already assembled, were left for parents who arrive. Also, cleaning material for newborn babies,” said Vázquez, noting that a strategy will also be carried out shortly to collect blood for the Association of Parents of Children with Cancer and Leukemia (Apanical).

It will be today and tomorrow, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at Paseo de la Victoria number 3631, in Plaza Consular, where the campaign will be carried out in favor of the association that offers treatment for minors with cancer. Those who wish to have more information can contact them through their Facebook page, called Club Rotario Juárez Conecta. If you send them a message they will be taken care of by some members about it. “The invitation is extended to the population to continue supporting (in the HIES), since many are foreign relatives and do not have the possibility of a place to take a bath and be clean when visiting their patients. In addition, we are also going to have a campaign for blood donation by the Juarez Conecta Rotary Club, and the invitation to donate is made (with four hours of fasting) ”, he pointed out.

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