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Donate blood in the disco

– Blood donations in the disco? With cool sounds, free pizza and drinks? And then win up to 1000 euros for a club? Sounds strange, but it’s true.

The community foundation of the district of Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen has joined forces with the operators of the Weißenburg disco Soho and the BRK Südfranken for an unprecedented campaign.

Blood donations are urgently needed

Where the younger part of the district usually celebrates and dances, beds will be set up on September 6th. You can donate blood in Soho from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

And everyone who comes will not only be served food, but will also receive a VIP voucher for a Soho event of their choice.

The community foundation also offers another reward.

The club that has the most blood donors at the end will receive a donation of 1,000 euros, while the runner-up will receive 500 euros.

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The background to this strange campaign is that there is an urgent need for more blood donors throughout Germany. In recent years, there have been too few young people who donate regularly.

The community foundation wants to create an appeal with the disco event and appeal especially to younger adults.

Try it once

Experience shows that most people who have donated blood once donate more often in their lives. So the main thing is to encourage people to give it a try.

And it can help if the place of the first donation is not a BRK home or a municipal office, but a cool location that is appreciated and associated with many good memories.

There is still movement in the Weißenburg city centre

“The disco and a more relaxed setting for a blood donation appointment can be a first step to encourage one or the other to give it a go,” says the foundation’s press release.

Especially when there are two exciting rewards: a VIP voucher and supporting a club.

Register in just a few clicks

In order to keep the hurdle for new donors as low as possible, a simple registration process has been implemented.

Using a QR code on the flyers and posters or by googling “blood donation appointment Soho”, you will land directly on a booking page for an appointment. This guarantees that you won’t have to wait long on site.

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If you are an experienced donor – they are of course also welcome in Soho – you can book your slot down to the quarter hour with just a few clicks.

Anyone who is donating for the first time only needs to provide a few more details and it doesn’t take much longer to register.

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However, you may need to hurry a little, as the number of possible blood donors on this day is limited.

Anyone can depend on a blood donation

In principle, anyone can depend on blood donations at any time. Hospitals rely on people’s donations in the event of operations or injuries.

It’s even better when there are lots of people with lots of different blood types who donate regularly. The campaign in Soho is intended to be a step in this direction.

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