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Donate blood at the Brentanoscheune in Oestrich-Winkel!

Why donate blood?

Each blood donation is divided into up to 3 preparations and thus helps up to 3 people.

Many illnesses become more common with age, so while the joy of getting older also increases, the risk of getting sick also increases. Life has many surprises in store for us, not only the statistical probability of getting sick, but also, unfortunately, accidents. The good news is that donated blood helps in many cases.

Blood donation is a generational contract. Due to demographic change, more and more long-term blood donors are no longer available due to health problems. Therefore, we need more young people who are willing to follow in their footsteps to ensure the supply.

The DRK blood donation services are non-profit organizations and there is no financial gain for donors or the blood donation service in the foreground – your blood donation is therefore a selfless and social commitment. Thank you for your commitment!

Useful information for new donors

The blood donation itself only takes about 10 minutes. You should plan about 1 hour for the entire donation process. You can get more information about the process from your DRK Blood Donation Service.

Reception & Registration

We will welcome you and record your personal details. Please bring your blood donor card and an official photo ID with you if you already have one.

Medical questionnaire

After registering, you will answer a few questions about your health.

Temperature measurement & Hb value rapid test

In order to detect possible incipient infections, we measure your body temperature before you donate blood. We also use a small prick to check whether the concentration of red blood pigment (hemoglobin) in your blood is sufficient. If this value is too low, this could be an indication of iron deficiency and, for your own protection, you cannot donate blood today.

Check-up with the doctor

The doctor will go through the questionnaire with you again to check for any unanswered questions or details. We also check your blood pressure and pulse before each blood donation.

Confidential self-exclusion

If you are not sure whether your blood can be given to patients due to other risk factors, you can exclude your donation from use here. You can still donate and your blood will be used in any case. Pathogens and viruses examined.

Blood donation

Our medical staff will now take your blood. The small puncture is barely noticeable and after about 10 minutes 500 ml of blood will be taken. Then you will lie down for a while and rest.

Your Strengthening

Eat something and drink plenty of fluids. We will provide you with a snack and drinks after the donation.

More information about blood donation: Become a blood donor | DRK blood donation services

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