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Donate blood and avoid shortages

The German Red Cross complains about a sharp decline in blood donations during the summer holidays. The situation is critical.

BORKEN. The West Blood Donation Service of the German Red Cross is calling for blood donations in Borken at the end of the summer holidays. On Tuesday, August 20th, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., there will again be an opportunity to donate blood at the Julia Koppers Comprehensive School in Borken. At the same time, the German Red Cross is complaining about a sharp decline in blood donations during the weeks of the summer holidays. The situation is critical, according to a press release from the Red Cross. Far too few people have donated blood during the summer holidays. The hospitals’ blood bank requirements must therefore be significantly reduced at the moment.

The figures in the DRK Borken district association underline the situation: 18,742 blood donors were welcomed here by August 11th. “Last year, at the same time, there were already 20,694,” reports Claudia Müller, corporate communications officer at the DRK Blood Donation Service West. “This year, almost ten percent fewer blood donors came than we had planned; last year, there were three percent more,” she adds, and also appeals to all Borken residents to donate blood – regardless of age, because there is no upper age limit. The number of blood donations is also declining in the district town. “In the city of Borken, we were able to welcome 2,121 blood donors by the end of July 2024, compared to 2,258 in the same period last year,” says Claudia Müller.

You can book a personal appointment to donate blood at www.blutspende.jetzt or by phone (free of charge) on 0800/1194 911. On the day of the donation, donors should drink plenty of fluids, have eaten something and bring an official photo ID. “Even when the outside temperature is high, there is nothing to stop you from donating blood,” emphasize the experts at the DRK.

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