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Donald Trump’s Unshakable Position in the Republican Party for the Fall Election

Donald Trump appears unshakable in the Republican Party for the fall election

Last week, the major liberal-globalist media in the US and around the world had reason to be very concerned. Donald Trump’s main rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, withdrew from the internal race to determine the Republican nomination for the US elections and called on his supporters to support the former US president.

In Bulgaria, the news passed as small columns, but the “New York Times” dedicated an entire internal folio to it. On such an area, the newspaper examines only extremely serious events of fundamental importance.

At first glance, DeSantis’ decision does not look like one at all – one of the many candidates in one of the two parties withdrawing from the internal race, because he felt that he did not gather the necessary support. But that’s only on first reading.

The New York Times gave full coverage to DeSantis’ withdrawal from the infighting. The newspaper devoted so much space only to huge world events

Joe Biden, who the liberal globalists lightly declared as their candidate for the election in the fall, is out of shape, and polls predict him to lose the election. If, of course, they flow without falsifications. Moreover, some medical personnel expressed doubt whether he would even be able to live to see them.

Ron DeSantis was seen by the aging billionaires in Davos as the acceptable little evil against the big one – Trump. Although trailing the former president in the polls and in early primary voting, DeSantis was seen as his only serious challenger. With him, the “usual suspects”, gathering for a Davos whisper, believed that they would be able to understand each other. He has serious ideological differences, but no old scores to settle and was not expected to be vindictive. In some ways, as president, DeSantis would have behaved as Trump did during his first term. He would be attacked and reviled from everywhere, the Davos-oriented media would beat him round the clock as a single fist, and he would be in constant self-defense and would not really be able to do anything. Or almost nothing. Just as Trump got almost nothing done in his first term – he was so confused.

He was even more stunned when he was hit with covid, that he didn’t even manage to remove from the White House Dr. Anthony Fauci – one of the main prophets of the disease. Even after the leaked emails from his email clearly indicated that Fauci personally signed off on government funding documents for the non-peoties involved with the Wuhan lab where the virus appears to have escaped (or been helped to escape).

While a second Trump term is expected to be a disaster for Davos on all fronts. You’ve trained your wits well for the previous 4 years, this time he’s determined to cut straight to the bone. This is also evident from the preliminary team he has assembled for the future presidential administration. It is full of reservists, accustomed to strict discipline, accustomed to carrying out the harshest orders.

Former South Carolina Governor and US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley is still battling Trump in the GOP internal elections. But her chances of defeating him are slim to none

And Trump, in all his campaign speeches, no longer hides what he intends to do. One of his important tasks for the first months of his second term will be to finish the green deal. And another – to “break the nest” of the “crazy leftists”, as he calls the liberal-globalists and their favorite capital of the EU – Brussels. If by then, after the European elections, his allies from the respective conservative parties around Europe also find themselves with a majority in Brussels, this “operation” could even be a piece of jewelry. Attacked from above by Trump and from within by Brussels, the ideology of modern Trotskyism, which envisages the slow but steady closing of states and the unification of the entire world under a single government, may be backed into a corner.

After DeSantis, the only hope for the aging Davos billionaires to stop such a turn of events is to make Trump disappear by the usual methods they are familiar with. I wonder if they will be able to do it.

But even if Trump does not reach the US elections, the crisis to which liberal-globalism has brought this country, and the world, is palpable. This is a systemic crisis that cannot be overcome by removing one person or another. The two main parties in the US are at cardinally opposite positions on the most important issues – the unhindered entry of millions of migrants through the US borders, which are practically unguarded; the allocation of billions for so-called climate change; the closure of entire sectors of the economy for green deals; the massive and indiscriminate digitization of everything, leading to mass control of the population…

This is a crisis with long-term consequences that many sober politicians in America and the world have long noticed. So when in our conscious lives have we witnessed an individual American state run by conservative Republicans declare that it will not obey a federal government taken over by liberal-globalist Democrats? When has an individual state called on other conservative sister states to send their guards to help – again against the actions of the liberal authorities in Washington? In American history, however, there have been such events – shortly before the start of the civil war a little less than two centuries ago.

From Bulgaria, all these things seem distant, as if they do not concern us. But the Chinese disease in Wuhan also seemed so far away. Until he got here too.

Brussels and the green deal won’t be Trump’s only preoccupations if he wins. But it is they, or a possible conflict in the USA, together with the disappearance of the main center for the management of the Bulgarian political class – the American embassy (which at the beginning may even play the exact opposite of its previous role, as the Soviet one helped to overthrow in 1989 of Communism), could have a huge impact on our country, equal to the events surrounding November 10th. And in some aspects identical even to what happened around September 9.

2024-01-28 23:09:57
#Trump #wins…for #Bulgaria #equivalent #November #10th

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