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Donald Trump’s Program: Firmness, Wall on the Mexican Border, and Investment in Flying Cars

The former American president, candidate for the succession of Joe Biden, proposes a program anchored on the right with a certain firmness and the establishment… of flying cars.

By HR with AFP Donald Trump offers a fairly firm and conservative program. © KYLE MAZZA / NurPhoto / NurPhoto via AFP Published on 07/01/2023 at 4:15 p.m.

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Donald Trump wants to return to the White House. To achieve his goal, the septuagenarian, who is aiming for the Republican nomination, is proposing a program with axes similar to those that made him successful in 2016. The proposal for the wall on the border with Mexico is thus again emerging.

But new measures, such as investment in… flying cars, are emerging. Here are the main measures of Trump’s program.

Immigration: the return of the wall to the Mexican border

It was never finished, but the wall between the United States and Mexico was one of the emblematic measures of his first term: if he is re-elected, Donald Trump wants to “fully secure” the border.

During its first mandate, the Trump administration had built about 700 kilometers of the wall, for a border of more than 3,000 kilometers. Donald Trump also raised the possibility of revoking the jus soli for the children of undocumented immigrants.

Cities of the future with flying cars

Ten new cities, for “a great leap forward in the American standard of living”. The former president, candidate for a new term, wants to build a series of metropolises, roughly the size of the capital Washington, on federal lands.

Developed around “industrial bastions” full of state-of-the-art factories, these cities would create “a new future for America”, assures Donald Trump. The Republican imagines a “big competition” to draw these cities “of freedom”.

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Concerned that the United States, and “not China”, will lead the “air mobility” revolution, Donald Trump also proposes in all seriousness that the country work hard on the design of flying vehicles.

Fierce opposition to “pink-haired communists”

The septuagenarian spoke out on these “culture wars”, these questions of gender, racism or education which are tearing the country apart.

The candidate has pledged to crack down on doctors offering transitional care to transgender minors and on “pink-haired communists” who teach the history of racism in schools in a way he considers “inappropriate “.

He also proposed the creation of a tax credit to compensate teachers who teach the use of firearms, at a time when the country is bereaved by a litany of school shootings.

Death penalty for drug dealers

In order to combat the crisis of fentanyl in the United States, a dangerous synthetic opiate at the origin of a dramatic increase in fatal overdoses in the United States, the former tenant of the White House proposed to designate the cartels Mexicans as terrorist organizations.

According to the Republican, drug traffickers should be sentenced to death. “They are killing our citizens and poisoning our beautiful children,” he charged in one of his videos.

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Donald Trump also defended the return of arbitrary stops and searches (“ stop-and-frisk ), a controversial police practice that has resulted in the disproportionate targeting of blacks and Latinos in the past.

And pledged to deploy the National Guard to “restore law and order” – one of his favorite formulas – in cities run by women or left-wing politicians.

Grace for part of the demonstrators of January 6, 2021

Donald Trump has promised to pardon “a large part” of his supporters imprisoned after attacking the headquarters of the United States Congress on January 6, 2021.

On this cold winter day, thousands of demonstrators had sown chaos and violence in the temple of American democracy, when elected officials certified the victory of his rival Joe Biden in the presidential election. The sprawling investigation that followed resulted in the arrest of more than 1,000 people. Nearly 300 received prison sentences, some of them for sedition.

2023-07-01 14:15:00

#United #States #Donald #Trump #reveals #program #reelected

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