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Donald Trump’s gray corona show: No vaccine for New York! – Politics abroad

No appearance by Donald Trump (74) without a show – not even when it comes to the deadly corona pandemic.

The current president of the USA gave his first corona briefing in weeks in the rose garden of the White House on Friday. He praised his achievements in the fight against the pandemic and assured that there would be NO lockdown among him in America, despite the breathtaking numbers of new infections (over 160,000 per day!). He announced that he would distribute 100 million doses of vaccine in the next two months and that the old and the sick would get them first.

However, these things caused the greatest stir:

► Trump showed himself again with gray hair.

► He didn’t mention the German vaccine developer BioNTech, but instead kept mentioning the US company Pfizer (manufacturer of the potency pill Viagra).

► He threatened that his old homeland, New York, would NOT get a vaccine for the time being – even though the deadly virus has raged the worst in New York City and led to an exodus of the rich.

About the background of the rejection to New York, Trump said that the Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo (62) did not trust the government in Washington and wanted to examine the drug separately. The still-President cool: “So we won’t deliver it to New York until we have the approval …”

A personal settlement with his archenemy Cuomo, from which millions of New Yorkers could suffer health and economic problems!

Photo: Mike Groll / AP Photo / dpa-“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/new-yorks-demokratischer-gouverneur-andrew-cuomo-ist-ein-alter-erzfeind-von-donald-trump-201578338-73938490/ Image / 7.bild.jpg “/>

New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo is an old nemesis of Donald TrumpPhoto: Mike Groll / AP Photo / dpa

In fact, Cuomo announced a few weeks ago that it would have an approved vaccine tested for its safety by its own experts. His reasoning at the time: Trump could use a fund for political purposes and distribute it prematurely to the population.

Of course, this was in the middle of the bitter election campaign and long before BioNTech and Pfizer announced that their vaccine was safe and more than 90 percent effective.

Trump’s threat immediately hit the headlines in New York, where he has long since become a persona non grata. Not least because he repeatedly attacks the liberal city and moved his first residence from Manhattan to Palm Beach (Florida).

About the vaccine, the US President said self-praising that it was a success of his “Operation Warp Speed”: “Pfizer announced on Monday that the drug was 90 percent effective. We gave Pfizer $ 1.95 billion in July to do that. “

Trump continues: “We have ordered 100 million vaccine doses for our country and secured 600 million more in a second batch. Contrary to other reports, they should be free for the people. “

The old and the sick should be vaccinated first. For the drug to be effective, everyone must have two vaccinations.

Trump did not say a word about the German company BioNTech, which developed the vaccine and thus made the breakthrough possible. That fits in with his undisguised dislike of Germany.

After taking office in 2016, he refused to shake hands with Chancellor Angela Merkel (66). He covered the German auto industry with punitive tariffs. He attacked Germany because Berlin was not paying enough money to NATO and ordered the withdrawal of thousands of US soldiers stationed in the Federal Republic. And he declared in the final spurt of the election campaign: “The Germans want to get rid of me.”

But what went viral in particular on social media was Donald Trump’s famous head of hair. Instead of the usual red blonde, the former reality show star presented himself in silver-gray during the speech.

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