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Donald Trump, vaccine | – Totally idiotic that Trump is trying to take credit for this

– What Donald Trump says is just nonsense. He is only concerned with his own ego.

NEW YORK (Nettavisen): This is what the girlfriend couple Amera Labib and Ariel Brill say that Nettavisen meets outside Javits Center Mass Vaccination Site in Manhattan, New York.

See the interview below:

Vaccinates at record speed

An enormous vaccination center has been set up here that takes away patients at record speed, and several such mass vaccination centers have already been set up in the state, or are on the way up.

A few days ago it was set new record at Javits Center, when they vaccinated as many as 13,431 people in 24 hours. In the same day, a total of 123,124 people were vaccinated in the state of New York.

Also read: Donald Trump with bizarre vaccine statement

Vaccination in the United States is now moving at record speed, and President Joe Biden is securing as many vaccine doses as he can. Over two million Americans are vaccinated daily, and this week Biden has also asked the government to buy more 100 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

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It gives the United States the capacity to reach the goal of vaccinating the adult population of 270 million by May.

At the same time, the country is probably heading for a vaccine surplus towards the end of the year, while many other countries are struggling to obtain enough vaccines.

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– Got a vaccination appointment right away

The couple Nettavisen meets outside the Javits Center are very pleased with the vaccine program and the progress in the USA. The online newspaper first notices Amera Labib as she comes out of the center, raises her hands, cheers and walks over to her boyfriend and gives him a hug.

– We called in three weeks ago to register, and we got appointments immediately, one got an appointment the next day while the other got two days after, Ariel Brill says to Nettavisen.

They are both young. Ariel Brill is 31 years old, and her boyfriend Amera Labib is 27. Despite their young age, they have both received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine, the only one they give to people at the station.

– It feels fantastic to have finally received the vaccine, says Amera, who has just received her second injection. Ariel received her second injection two days earlier.

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– It goes incredibly fast here now

She is a psychotherapist in a private company and meets many patients daily, which in New York qualifies for the vaccine. He works in the health service, which also qualifies for the life-saving syringe.

– It’s amazing how fast it goes here now. Since I was here for the first time, they have put over 100,000 syringes in this place alone, says Ariel to Nettavisen.

Amera is also impressed.

– I think Biden does a fantastic job with the vaccine, and both our friends and family have received the vaccine as planned, she says.

The: Biden orders vaccination of all Americans from May

It is several weeks since everyone in the health care system, school, police, hotel employees, people in the restaurant industry, in the taxi industry and the like were qualified for the vaccine in New York. This week it was also opened up for sure all over 60 years can sign up to receive the vaccine.

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In the United States has now around 20 percent of the population, or the next 65 million people, received at least one dose, while the corresponding figure in Norway is just over eight percent, or just over 443,000 people.

Trump: – I hope everyone remembers this!

On Wednesday, Donald Trump wrote in a statement that all Americans can thank him for the vaccine now being out.

– I hope everyone now remembers when they get the covid-19 (often referred to as the China virus) vaccine, that one would not get this “beautiful shot” in five years, at least, and probably not at all, if I were not president. I hope everyone remembers this! Trump writes in the message.

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– He is about to destroy our country

– Trump only thinks of himself

Neither Amera Labib nor Ariel Brill will give Trump the credit for the vaccine or vaccine work currently underway in the United States.

– Trump only thinks about himself and his own ego, and it is ridiculous that he tries to take credit for this, Ariel says to Nettavisen.

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When asked what Amera thinks about Trump taking credit for this, she answers the following:

– I do not think he has done so much, and as my boyfriend has said, he is most concerned with his own ego, it has stood in the way of everything. He has not done a good job with the health service either, so I am really happy that it is Biden who has taken control of this, she says.

– Trump was more focused on election fraud and his dialogue was not about the vaccine and taking care of people. Something he should have done. No, all he cared about was his own ego and that he got praise. The leadership is in the right hands now, says Ariel.

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Tests around 250,000 daily

They both live in Manhattan and now look much brighter in everyday life than they did a year ago. The infection in New York is declining. On Wednesday this week, about 250,000 people in the state of New York were tested, and only about 2.7 percent of them were infected.

On Wednesday, 80 people died of corona in New York, still a high number of people, but far from the peak of over 800 daily deaths when it was at its worst.

Also read: Vaccinated nurse shocked colleagues: – It is completely insane

Now they hope the vaccine race will bring New York out of misery even faster.

– I hope that we can help more people out there with the vaccine when we get control here at home.

That said, I think New York deserved this. We were hardest hit in the world by this pandemic, and now we are also leading the way when it comes to getting vaccinated and reopened, says Ariel Brill to Nettavisen.

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