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Donald Trump, USA | Trump:

Donald Trump feels persecuted.

NEW YORK (Nettavien): This week, former President Donald Trump appeared in his first televised interview after he resigned, on Fox News with TV host Hannity. See excerpts from the interview here:

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– I have absolutely fantastic numbers

In the interview with Sean Hannity, Trump also signaled that he is strongly considering running for president in 2024.

Also read: Cheers for Biden – do what Trump never managed

“First of all, I would say that it is a long time coming,” Trump replied when asked if he would run for office.

– Listen now, I have absolutely fantastic numbers. I am more popular now than I was the day before the election, because they now see how bad the situation is at the border, Trump says.

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– It sees what is going on, they also see that their weapons will disappear, that their taxes will go up. Regulations are also taking off completely, and job numbers are rising, Trump says.

– So, therefore I can say the following. I take it very seriously. More than serious. But from a legal standpoint, I do not want to talk about it yet, it is a bit too early, Trump said in the interview with Hannity.

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– Almost everyone I give my support to wins

But Trump also points to the importance of getting “the right people” into Congress.

– It is very important that we get the right people with us. That means both the Senate and the House (the House of Representatives), Trump says.

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Trump also says he is willing to stand for and hold rallies in support of the right candidates.

– If they need a public meeting, then we will make a public meeting, we will make calls, we will do all sorts of things, Trump says, and adds

– Almost everyone I give my support to wins.

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Donald Trump to attack in a new interview: – Either he is lying, or he is completely mentally gone

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– It’s vicious, it’s awful

Hannity also asks Trump what he misses most about being president

– What I miss most is helping people, Trump answers.

– That’s why I did this. Listen, this has been very traumatic. “I had a great life, a great company, I did great business, I had no problems, and now I feel like people have come after you,” Trump said.

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– It’s vicious, it’s awful. But do you know? I love doing it because I helped people. And I have helped people in a better way than any other president, says Trump.

Also read: Donald Trump to attack in a new interview: – Completely mentally gone

Trump also says that what he is most proud of during his presidency was the tax reform, where he got through tax cuts to a total value of nearly 1.5 trillion dollars, around 12,000 billion kroner, over a ten-year period.

– Now I just have them not shit out, says Trump, with clear reference to the Biden administration.

also read

Cheers for Biden – do what Trump never managed

Watch the interview with Trump on Hannity her.

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Reveals Donald Trump’s secret eating habits

Biden crushes Trump in polls

Joe Biden’s popularity is still high, and on an average poll that is out there FiveThirtYeight Biden scores an average of 53.4 percent on all popularity polls in the United States. It is higher than former President Donald Trump ever was, when he never scored over 50 percent.

The seas: Cheers for Biden – do what Trump never managed


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