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Donald Trump, USA | Giant upturn for Donald Trump and new horror numbers for Biden

Good start to the year for Donald Trump.

NEW YORK (Nettavisen): Several recent polls are a boost for Donald Trump, while President Joe Biden enters 2022 with some of the worst numbers ever.

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Trump is supported by 82 percent

In a measurement made by Reuters/Ipsos at the end of December, but which was first published a few days ago, as many as 54 percent of Republicans answer that they will support Donald Trump if he chooses to run as the party’s presidential candidate in 2024.

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It’s miles ahead of two other potential candidates, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former Vice President Mike Pence. They are supported by eleven and eight percent of those surveyed, respectively.

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The same survey also shows that Trump still has strong support within the party, as as many as 82 percent of Republicans polled say they support Trump.

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Trump: – I’m obviously thinking about it

Trump has still not confirmed that he will run in the 2024 election, but has on several occasions flirted with the idea of ​​doing so.

– I’ve obviously thinking about it, he said in an interview with Fox News in November last year.

“To be completely honest, I think a lot of people will be very happy with that decision,” Trump said.

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At the same time, Trump indicated that such a decision will only come after the by-elections in 2022, an election in which the Democrats risk losing the narrow majority they have in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

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– Trump is clearly not fit

But not all party members are equally enthusiastic about Trump’s position within the party.

Republican Liz Cheney, who sits on the committee investigating the January 6 congressional storm and has been ostracized by party colleagues for her criticism of Trump, said in a recent interview that Trump is “clearly not fit” for a new term in the White House. , reports ABC News. .

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– He crossed a border no other US president has crossed before. When a president refuses to ask a mob to stop, when he refuses to protect parts of the executive, he is untrustworthy, Cheney said in an interview on “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos, alluding to The congressional storm in January last year.

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To frontal attack on Trump

Donald Trump has spun a web of lies, said President Joe Biden when he on the anniversary of the storming of Congress on Thursday took a relentless showdown with his predecessor.

– His ego means more to him than our democracy. He can not accept that he has lost, said Biden.

See parts of the speech here:

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Trump responded to Biden’s speech with a powerful counterattack.

“This is political theater to divert attention from the failures,” Trump said.

“Biden uses my name today to further divide America,” Trump wrote in a statement.

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New bottom for Biden

But while Trump has large parts of his party behind him, a recent poll shows that President Joe Biden is struggling. The number of Americans who now believe Biden is doing a bad job has reached a new low, according to a new survey from CNBC.

The survey from CNBC / Change Research shows that as many as 60 percent of those surveyed disagree with the way Biden handles the US economy. 55 percent also believe that President Biden is now handling the pandemic in a bad way, an area he has previously scored highly in.

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As many as 56 per cent of those surveyed now believe that Biden is generally doing a bad job as president, which is a new bottom line for the president.

That is up from 54 percent in September last year. In April last year, 49 percent thought Biden was doing a bad job as president.

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– Biden does not meet expectations

US expert Hilmar Mjelde tells Nettavisen that the problems Biden is struggling with are “global problems that are partly beyond the reach of any president”.

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“Especially in a decentralized country like the United States, where the states run their own race, and in a situation where the president lacks a large majority behind him in Congress,” says Mjelde.

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– Today we all think of the presidents as omnipotent, and expect them to be able to fix any problem. Biden’s presidency is now crashing into these expectations, and he is plunging into the polls, says Mjelde, who is a senior researcher at the NORCE research center in Bergen and an expert on American politics.

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– Biden’s problems are also about classic “overreach”, ie that he has tried to do more than he was given a mandate and political capital for in the 2020 election. He was, in fact, elected as a “caretaker” president, a business ministry. Had he contented himself with the stimulus package and infrastructure reform, he could have declared victory and taken it easy accordingly.

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– Instead, he now ends up not meeting the expectations he himself created last spring, when he imagined that he would be the new Lyndon Johnson, Mjelde says.

The US expert says that Biden “should have had a laser focus on vaccination and upscaling of the corona test capacity”.

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– He can not do much more with the pandemic. All his major reform plans have been a distraction, says the US expert.

Regarding the strong support Trump has within his own party, Mjelde answers the following:

– Opinion polls three years before an election are meaningless, really. They have no impact. But I do not want to underestimate the ability of voters to forget the chaos of the Trump years. Presidential elections are about the future, not the past.

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