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Donald Trump Twitter Account Chronology Allegedly Hacked

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Account Twitter United States President Donald Trump was allegedly hacked last week by Dutch researcher Victor Gevers. Hacking occurred after Gevers correctly guessed Trump’s account password, which is ‘maga2020!’.

Gevers, a security expert, claims to have access to Trump’s direct messages, as well as being able to post on his behalf and change his profile.

Launch The Guardian, Friday (23/10), Gevers also admitted that he had access to Trump’s account in 2016. Like the latest, he apparently got access by guessing the password. At that time, Trump’s account was ‘yourefired’.

This time, Gevers is called trying ‘maga2020!’ on his fifth attempt and was successful. Maga stands for the often used Trump campaign slogan, Make America Great Again.

“I thought I would be blocked after four failed attempts. Or at least be asked to provide additional information,” said Gevers.

Twitter has denied Gevers’ claim. The company said it saw no evidence to corroborate these claims, including from articles published in the Netherlands.

“We are proactively implementing account security measures for certain groups of Twitter accounts related to elections in the United States, including branches of the federal government,” a Twitter spokeswoman said in a statement.

To De Volkskrant media, Gevers explained that the ease of accessing Trump’s account showed the president did not use basic security measures such as two-step verification.

He said two-step verification was only used a day after he successfully took over Trump’s account. In fact, Gevers claimed to have been contacted by the Secret Service and received thanks for reporting security issues to them.

Launch The VergeWhite House deputy press secretary Judd Deere denied reports containing Gevers’ confession.

“This is simply not true,” he said.

Meanwhile, Twitter is known to not explain exactly what security measures have been implemented for Trump’s account. The company only encourages high-profile users to follow the company’s advice in securing accounts, for example implementing two-step verification.

The policy was issued by Twitter after the hacking of accounts belonging to famous people some time ago.

(jps / mik)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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