Home » today » World » Donald Trump Promises to Eradicate Political Opponents and Minorities – Is His Rhetoric Similar to Nazi Germany?

Donald Trump Promises to Eradicate Political Opponents and Minorities – Is His Rhetoric Similar to Nazi Germany?

NEW YORK (Dagbladet): In recent times, former president Donald Trump has stepped up his rhetoric sharply at the same time as he is surrounded by increasingly large legal problems. But he is still clearly leading the polls in the battle to become the Republican presidential candidate again before the election next year.

His language has caused both other politicians and historians to make few associations about how Nazis and fascists talked about political opponents and minorities in Germany and Italy in the 1930s.

Makes a new claim: – Parody

– Will eradicate

– We will exterminate the communists, the Marxists, the fascists and the left-wing thugs, who live like vermin within our country’s borders, Trump said during a campaign rally in New Hampshire a few days ago, according to CNN.

In a speech on the border with Mexico on Sunday, he claimed that undocumented immigrants in the US are “poisoning our country’s blood”. Trump is now trying to make immigration a big issue in the election campaign.

– Our country is being invaded. This is an invasion, Trump said at another campaign rally in Hialeah, Florida.

TRUMP: Former US President Donald Trump rages against the ongoing fraud case against him, October 4, 2023. Video: Reuters Show more

– Echoes of Nazi Germany

The current president of the United States, Joe Biden, believes that Trump’s rhetoric is similar to Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

– In recent days, Trump has said that if he returns to the White House, he will go after all those who are against him and eradicate what he describes as “pests in America”. It is an echo of language you heard in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, says Biden, according to The Guardian.

He also reacts to Trump’s statements that America’s blood is being “poisoned”.

– It is again the same phrases that were used in Nazi Germany, says Biden.

The harsh rhetoric also gets the Jewish and Democratic governor of Illinois. JB Pritzker, to react strongly. He has also been central to the construction of the Holocaust Museum in Chicago.

– Tired of losing

– Terrifying

– The rhetoric that is used by Trump and parts of the MAGA extremists is a rhetoric that was used in the 1930s in Germany. I am very concerned about the direction of this country when we see the policies that Donald Trump is putting forward, says Pritzker to MSNBC.

He further explains how he believes there are clear similarities.

– In Germany in the 1930s, people the Nazis did not want in a position of power, and whom they wanted to segregate, were called immigrants – even people who had been in Germany for generations, says Pritzker and adds:

– We don’t know where this is going with Donald Trump. But the things he talks about are frightening to those of us who know European history in the 1930s and 40s. And I am deeply concerned about his penchant for revenge, and what it will mean for groups of the population who do not support him in the 2024 election – if he is elected, says the governor.

The former US president Donald Trump is accused of trying to change the election results in 2020. After his imprisonment in the Fulton County jail, Trump said this to the press. Video: AP Show more

– Disagrees

Other Republican presidential candidates are also reacting to Trump’s rhetoric.

– The reality is that I do not agree with that statement just as I do not agree when he says that Hezbollah is smart, or when he attacks Netanyahu while his country is on its knees after all the brutality, says Nikki Haley, according to CNN.

Besides being a presidential candidate, she is also Trump’s former UN ambassador.

– It’s the chaos of all this, isn’t it? I think he means well. But the chaos must end.

Historians and political analysts in the US are increasingly talking about how Trump’s violent rhetoric is designed to appeal to extremists, who are part of his bedrock of voters. They also point out how he has recently proposed a dramatic extension of the president’s powers, should he become president again.

– Catastrophic for the US and the world

– Incitement to hatred

– Trump accelerates the calls to hatred, and now he additionally dehumanizes those he attacks and uses language that is very close to the rhetoric of the fascists, says historian Ruth Ben Ghiat to USA Today.

Among other things, she has written the book “Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present”

– He prepares people psychologically to accept the plans he brings publicly about mass deportation, mass internment and other forms of persecution against immigrants and others he wants to go after, says Ghiat.

The historian also points out that he uses the rhetoric to signal to extremists that “they are part of them”.

– Snowflake

Spokesperson for Trump’s election campaign organization, Steven Cheung, flatly rejects the comparisons with Nazis and Hitler.

– Those who try to make the ridiculous claims are obviously snowflakes (Snowflake is used in the US as a term for people who are very easily offended. Journ. note) who grab anything because they suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, and their sad, miserable existence will be shattered when President Trump returns to the White House, says Cheung.

2023-11-20 03:17:04
#Accused #Nazi #language #Terrifying

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