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Donald Trump, Politikk | Donald Trump:

– We have big problems.

NEW YORK (Nettavisen): This is what current book Donald Trump says in a new interview with Newsmax.

– What they have done must never be forgotten

– Our country has big, really big, problems. What they have done to our country must never be forgotten. We have never experienced a time like this, Trump said in the interview, with a clear address to President Joe Biden and the Democrats.

Listen to the interview below:

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Trump’s statements came in connection with the program “Spicer & Co.” where Trump was invited as a guest, among other things to promote his new coffee table book, “Our Journey Together”, which consists of photos from Trump’s period in the White House.

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Trump: – These are just lies

During the interview, Trump was confronted with a oppslag i Washington Post where it was stated that Biden receives more negative coverage in the media than Donald Trump received when he was president.

“Well, these are just lies and they just keep lying,” Trump said.

– This is the biggest witch hunt in history. I’ve been under investigation since the day I came down the escalator, Trump said, referring to the session in which he announced his presidential candidacy in New York.

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The interview also shows that Trump himself is very happy with what he achieved as president.

– What happened was shameful. But despite that, we did more than almost any other president in history, says Trump.

In the interview, Trump, among other things, attacks the American immigration policy, and says in the interview that “our country is being invaded”.

– There are millions of people flowing into the country, and they are not controlled. They are destroying our country, Trump told Newsmax.

Trump: – The biggest crime in history

Trump also uses the occasion to call Biden’s inauguration as president, “the biggest crime in history.”

– They got away with something that, in my opinion, is the biggest crime in history.

– And instead of going after Antifa, BLM (Black Lives Matter), and all these people who took the lives of many other people, and who set fire to cities and wreaked havoc – they instead go after people who protested against the election, Trump says.

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The former president hereby refers to everyone who was arrested after the storming of Congress on January 6 this year.

Trump: – They shot and killed her

Trump also expresses anger over the fact that Trump supporter Ashli ​​Babbitt was shot and killed inside the congress building in connection with the storm. Trump believes the policeman who shot Babbitt has escaped too easily from the Democrats and the police.

– They killed Ashli ​​Babbitt. They shot her and killed her, and there was no reason for that, says Trump.

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– If the opposite had happened, we would have seen trials on TV right now, and the man who had done it would not have had a chance, Trump says.

– This guy here could not have gotten out fast enough. He could not get out faster to tell how he shot an unarmed young lady, Trump says.

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– They took the life of Ashli ​​Babbitt and it was the person who died. No one else died on January 6. It was the person who died, so it is very shameful what happened, Trump says in the interview.

600 are charged, five were killed

Around 600 people from 40 states around the United States have been charged or indicted in connection with the riots against Congress.

What Trump does not say in the interview is that a total of five people died during the riots on January 6.

Four police officers who were at work that day have later taken their own lives.

Trump book costs 2000 kroner

The new book by Trump, which went on sale on Tuesday, and according to Newsmax has been pre-ordered in 100,000 copies.

A signed version of the book, which costs around 2,000 kroner, is already sold out.

But this is not a memoir from Trump, but a picture book, or a so-called coffee table book.

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Trump has so far not signed with a publisher to write his memoirs from his time in the White House.

A publisher tells Politico that Trump is probably afraid that he will get a smaller advance on the book than Obama got, and that Trump can thus decide to publish the book himself.

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“What I suspect is that Trump will publish the book himself because he will not be humiliated by getting a smaller advance than he received, or before someone finds out that the advance is smaller than what Obama received,” says the publisher. Politico.

Obama received 540 million kroner

Both Barack Obama and his wife Michelle received $ 60 million, or about $ 540 million, each in advance from Penguin Random House for the rights to their books.

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Barack Obama’s “A Promised Land” has sold well over three million copies.

Although it is a very good sales figure, it is far behind his wife Michelle Obama. Her book, “Becoming” has sold well over eight million copies after it came out in 2018.

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Trump: – You will not believe

To Newsmax, Trump reveals that he is writing a book and that there is extremely great interest among publishers.

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– You will not believe how great the interest is. And we will sell more books than anyone else, says Trump.

Watch Trump talk about his upcoming book here:

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