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Donald Trump: Partnered with a singer, he earned $300,000 selling Bibles


Donald Trump made $300,000 selling Bibles with singer Lee Greenwood.

These Bibles include American patriotic texts and sell for up to $1,000.

Donald Trump uses this income to finance his legal fees and other major expenses.


Donald Trump, former President of the United States of America and current candidate to succeed Joe Bidenwill always find something to surprise us. He who needs new sources of income to finance all his expenses, seems to have found a rather surprising way to earn money.

Through a partnership with country singer Lee Greenwood, Donald Trump was able to generate additional income. The two sell Biblesthe “God Bless the USA Bibles”. We explain.

Bibles sold at a high price, Donald Trump’s find

The BBC has revealed that Donald Trump has made hundreds of thousands of dollars from selling Bibles. This one reportedly brought in nearly $300,000 (around 272,000 euros), in just a few months. A nice sum for the former president of the United States who has to face many expenses, which are notably related to his legal affairs.

As with many Americans, religion has a very important place at Donald Trump’s. Combining business with pleasure, the latter had a brilliant idea. On March 26, 2024, he published a video on his social network Truth in which he promoted… the Bible! “Every American should have a Bible in their home. I have several and I think you should all get a copy of the Bible right now.”he declared.

A lucrative partnership with a patriotic singer

But Donald Trump is not talking about just any Bible. “God Bless the USA Bible”with its beautiful brown cover, is marketed and sold at the price of 59.99 dollars. It can be found on the website of the country singer Lee Greenwood. What is the connection? Well, this artist is the one who interprets the campaign anthem of the Republican candidate.

The book does not only contain the text of the Bible, but also includes major texts for Americans and their history: the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the American Constitution and the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. It even includes the lyrics to Lee Greenwood’s song. For the most ardent Republicans, a rather special Bible is offered for $1,000, or nearly €900. What makes it special? It is signed by Donald Trump himself..

Significant funding for Donald Trump

This new business is very well thought out. It allows Donald Trump and Lee Greenwood to generate very significant revenuesThe former president is looking to diversify his investment portfolio. For example, he has acquired millions of dollars in cryptocurrencies and regularly receives royalties for his own books.

All this money will allow him to finance its significant expenseswho is involved in legal cases. In some trials he lost, he was ordered to pay about 100 million dollars. His lawyers’ compensation is estimated at nearly 50 million.

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