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Donald Trump more isolated than ever on the issue of wearing a mask

UNITED STATES – Should Donald Trump wear a mask to set an example in the face of the epidemic of Covid-19? More and more voices – including those of elected Republicans – affirm that yes while, by the admission of his own government, time is cruel to find solutions against the new coronavirus.

The Republican President has never appeared in public with a mask since the start of the pandemic, which killed more than 125,000 people in the United States, the most bereaved country in the world.

Above all, he made fun of his Democratic opponent in the presidential election of November 3, Joe Biden, who wears it and has described the use of the mask as a “double-edged sword” from a health point of view just as the south of the country is facing a worrying outbreak of the disease.

Bread Blessed for Trump Opponents

The Disease prevention and control centers (CDC), who set the pace for the government’s response to the coronavirus, simply recommended its use. And not “required”, which should have been done for “a very long time”, regretted Sunday the Democratic President of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. All this so as not to “upset” the Republican billionaire, she said during an interview on ABC News, as you can see in our video at the head of the article.

“The president should wear a mask,” she said before adding: “Real men wear masks,” suggesting, as Joe Biden has already done, that the refusal to Donald Trump covering her face was just a matter of misplaced virility.

Wearing a mask, a sign of weakness in the United States?

Many observers and analysts also assure that the male supporters of the White House tenant in conservative regions of the country see the mask as a sign of weakness.

The schism around the mask, which health agencies around the world are now touting as effective against the virus, is very political in the United States, as Donald Trump himself admitted this week. But it should not be, regretted this Sunday June 28 the Republican senator Lamar Alexander, in a rare compromise with the Democrats.

“It would help if, from time to time, the president wore one. It would help us get rid of this political debate that if you are for Trump you are not wearing a mask and if you are against Trump you are, ”he said on CNN.

Questioned shortly after on this subject, the secretary for Health, Alex Azar, simply recalled that the president was a case of “unique” because he was tested “regularly”, thus taking up the argument of the New York billionaire. However, screening would allow him to know if he contracted Covid-19, but would not prevent contamination.

While rehashing the federal government’s message (respecting social distancing, washing your hands and wearing a mask), Alex Azar acknowledged that the situation was “very serious” and that “the window was closing to act and regain control of the health situation.

A serious upsurge in the South

Almost half of the states in the United States, particularly in the South and West, experienced a serious resurgence of Covid-19 during the month of June and some, such as Florida or Texas, faced with a number of infections. of unprecedented importance, had to pause their process of deconfinement.

The governor of California, where without being as dramatic as in Florida, the situation has worsened in recent weeks, announced Sunday the closure of bars in seven counties, including that of Los Angeles, the second largest city in the country.

“There is clearly something going on in the Sunbelt, particularly among young Americans,” said Vice President Mike Pence, assuring that the government was “very closely” following what is going on in those states.

However, the situation continues to improve in the Northeast, which was the most affected region two months ago.

See also on The HuffPost: Stevie Wonder tackles Severely Trump

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