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Donald Trump Junior rages against teachers – with his arsenal in the background

Donald Trump Junior speaks in a video about the failure of teachers in the United States. A wall of guns sparked debate on Twitter.

  • Donald Trump Junior accuses teachers of returning to face-to-face teaching in the USA to prevent.
  • He shares a video on Twitter of the government of Joe Biden presents as inconsistent.
  • The content of the video is overshadowed by the fact that the son of Donald Trump in front of several weapons sits.

“The Teachers union stopped progress schools prevented from opening. ”In a video complains Donald Trump Junior Teachers for speaking out against the return of schools to normal operations. The son of continues Donald Trump from: “The teachers union and those who represent it have definitely failed in raising our children.”

The video shows Donald Trump Junior in front of a wall with heaps of weapons. He first posted the video on Saturday (February 20th, 2021) on the Rumble platform and then on Twitter. Linking the two topics school and guns caused outrage among Twitter users. Also has an American journalist in one Tweet noted that the video looks like it came from one Extremists and was taken in a bunker.

Donald Trump Junior railed against teachers in a video. Several guns hang in the background.

© Screenshot Twitter

Donald Trump Junior links the topics of schools and weapons – criticism on Twitter

Other users point out that the reactions to such a post would be very different if a Moslem or a Schwarzer in front of a crowd weapons would have filmed. A supporter of President Joe Biden denounces the racist double standards in the USA: Such a video is not okay just because Donald Trump Junior is white. It’s not the first time Trump Junior has posed with guns. Last month he shared a picture of himself grinning one AR-15 rifle stops, with a picture of Hillary Clinton behind bars on the magazine.

When discussing racism and weapons in the USA, the content of the video takes a back seat. That yourself Donald Trump Junior expressing disapproval of others is nothing new. Most recently, he used an emotional contribution by the Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about her fear during the storming of the Capitol as a joke. Now Trump Junior is not only railing against them Teachers union, but also against President Biden. He throws the government off Joe Biden before proceeding inconsistently. Biden would only follow his own guideline “follow the science” – that is, the knowledge of science in the Corona-Pandemie to follow – hold when it suits him.

Donald Trump Jr. attacks teachers in the USA for speaking out against the return of schools to normal school life.

© John Minchillo/dpa

Donald Trump Junior railed against teachers, Joe Biden confused with contradictions

Earlier this month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention supported the reopening of schools in the USA and published strict guidelines for safe reopening. Some Teachers unions have spoken out against this idea. Donald Trump Junior is now raging against the teachers, according to the website “Indy100”, because they are despite an existing Corona vaccine refused to return to face-to-face classes. It would look to him as “as if they would do everything possible to avoid going back,” accuses Trump Junior of the teachers’ union.

The subject of education is in the USA indeed controversial and the Biden-Administration actually behaved inconsistently in some cases. The President has stated several times that his goal is that schools until his 100th day in office (April 30th). However, he recently made it clear that he was only referring to students up to 8th grade. It is also not clear for how many days a week the schools should reopen. Biden’s press officer Jen Psaki spoke of one Joe Biden even five days a week. (Theresa Ricke)

Rubriklistenbild: © Screenshot Twitter

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