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Donald Trump, Joe Biden | Trump demands mental test – met with tirade

NEW YORK (Nettavisen): In a recent message on his own social media platform Truth Social, Donald Trump now demands that all future presidential candidates should complete a mental test.

Trump: – A complete mental competence test

– EVERYONE running for President of the United States should agree to take a full and complete mental competency test at the same time (or before!) the announcement that he or she is running, and similarly, but to a lesser extent, agree to a test which should prove that you are physically able to do the job. Being an outstanding president requires great mental acuity and physical endurance. If you do not have these qualities or characteristics, it is likely that you will not succeed. MUST GO! writes Trump on Truth Social.

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The other Republican candidate who has said she will run for president, Nikki Haley, also makes a similar claim.

– In the America I envision, the permanent politician will finally retire. We want term limits in Congress. And mandatory mental competency tests for politicians over the age of 75, said Haley when she announced her candidacy last week.

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– Biden is completely gone

The statements from both Haley and Trump are a direct attack on President Joe Biden, who has been asked several times during his presidency about his physical and mental health.

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There have also been a number of episodes where Biden has received negative attention for seeming everything from both “strange” and “awkward” to being “completely out of sorts”.

On Wednesday, Biden will be ridiculed again, after he once again tripped when he was about to board Air Force One.

In connection with last year’s by-election, Biden was asked the following question on the TV program “60 Minutes”:

– Some people wonder if you are suitable for the job. And when you hear this, I wonder what you think?

See also: Biden video: – This is completely bizarre, unless they want him to look like a demented patient

To which President Biden replied this:

– Just follow along. And I swear, that’s all I’m thinking. Just follow along. If you don’t think I have the energy level or the mental acuity, well then, you know, now that’s a thing.

– How would you say your mental focus is? asked Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes further.

– Oh, it’s focused. I say it and I believe it. There are no things I don’t do now, as I did before, be it physically, mentally or otherwise, Biden replied.

Read: – Biden seems completely lost

Biden: – Know how damn old I am

If Biden, who turned 80 in November and is the oldest man in the United States ever to be elected president, decides to run for another term in the White House, he will be a whopping 82 years old when he leaves starting its second term in 2025.

Nettavisen has previously mentioned how frustrated Biden must have been that his age is constantly becoming a topic in the media.

– Don’t you think I know how damn old I am? Biden is said to have previously screamed at his advisers.

READ: Biden torn apart after blundering: – He should resign for the sake of the country

“Trump thinks exercise kills”

One who, on the other hand, mocks Donald Trump and his demand to carry out a mental test of future presidential candidates, is the political correspondent Bess Levin in Vanity Fair.

– Donald Trump, whose brain is held together with pencils and putty, requires a mental competency test of the presidential candidates, writes Levin.

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In a long tirade, she ridicules and trashes Trump for his statements.

– The guy who thinks exercise causes premature death also believes that candidates must prove that they are physically ready for the job, she writes.

What Levin refers to is an article in Vox where Donald Trump is said to have said “You’re going to die young because of this” to an employee who was training to take part in the Ironman.

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– Trump thinks wind turbines cause cancer

– There are not enough hours in the day to list all the examples that Trump is not very good at the top, but we can only note that he recently confused a picture of an alleged rape victim with his second ex-wife; he claimed that the sound of windmills causes cancer; and strangely, he insisted on several occasions that his New York-born father was born in Germany. (Do we even need to mention that he suggested people inject bleach into their veins?) He also boasted, in 2020, that it was quite a feat to have been able to recite five words in the correct order, Levin writes further, then points to this video.

Trump boasts of the form

Bess Levin also points out how Trump constantly points out how good a shape he himself is in.

At the end of January this year, Trump freely boasted that he had won a golf tournament on one of his own golf courses in Florida, despite the fact that he himself had missed the first round.

Read: Trump: – Could have taken Diana if I wanted to

“It is a great honor to have won the Senior Club Championship at Trump International Golf Club, one of the best courses in the country, in Palm Beach, Florida. I competed against many fine golfers, and hit the ball far and straight. The reason I’m announcing this on the fabulous Truth Social is that in a very real way this acted like a physical exam for me, only MUCH tougher. You need strength and endurance to WIN and I have strength and endurance – most people don’t. You also need strength and endurance to RULE!” wrote Trump on Truth Social.

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– President Biden is healthy

Last week, President Biden’s physician, Kevin O’Connor, made it clear after a routine health check that the president is still in good shape and functioning well as president of the United States.

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Furthermore, it was said that Biden does all his tasks to the fullest and without exception.

– President Biden is still a healthy, fit 80-year-old man, who is able to successfully carry out the duties of the presidency, O’Connor wrote in the medical report which was published by the White House.

According to NTB, the medical check-up lasted around three hours and was the first check-up since November 2021, ten months after he took over as president. At the time, the survey took over five hours.

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