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Donald Trump, Joe Biden | Joe Biden’s “secret immigration flights” make them furious:

– Why does the Biden administration refuse to share even the most basic information?

NEW YORK (Nettavisen): Illegal immigration to the United States has exploded after Joe Biden took over as president.

– Like the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the situation on the Mexican border undermines Biden’s image of competence. The impression is that Biden personally does not pay enough attention to it, partly because he has his full focus on welfare reform, says US expert Hilmar Mjelde to Nettavisen.

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Record number of immigrants to the United States

Recent figures presented in Washington Post shows that more than 1.3 million illegal immigrants have been arrested on the southern border in the nine months he has been president, including 192,000 who arrived in September alone.

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Now more Republicans are also raging, after the newspaper New York Post claims to have revealed several secret flights with underage immigrants flying from Texas and into several major cities around the United States.

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Among other things, the newspaper has covered several landings in Westchester just north of New York City, where immigrants who come from Texas land and are then sent in buses around the big city.

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– 2000 immigrants fled to New York

According to the New York Post, the immigrants are illegal immigrants who came to the border between the United States and Mexico, and who are now flown out around the country, including to New York and Florida.

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The flow of refugees into the United States continued in full force this summer and figures show that between July and August this year, as many as 37,805 unaccompanied minor immigrants came from Mexico to the United States.

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The NY Post writes that they have analyzed flight data indicating that around 2,000 immigrants have landed at Westchester County Airport outside White Plains in New York since August 8 this year.

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A source familiar with the operation at the airport told the newspaper that the minor immigrants are usually transported on to the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens districts in New York City, as well as to Newburgh in the north of the state and Bridgeport Danbury in Connecticut. But immigrants are also being transported further out on Long Island and to New Jersey, the newspaper writes.

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– Why all this secrecy

One of those who is reacting strongly to what is happening now is the Republican Gov. of Florida Ron DeSantis.

He is furious at what the NY Post writes and says the following through his spokeswoman Christina Pushaw:

– If the Biden administration is so convinced that their policy on an open border is so good for our country, why all this secrecy?

– And why does the Biden administration refuse to share even the most basic information about the resettlement of immigrants in local communities in our state and around the country, DeSantis asks.

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– Unsustainable immigration policy

The Florida governor believes Biden is pursuing “an unsound immigration policy.”

“Washington DC pursues an immigration policy that does not affect them, while states that lack information on the resettlement of immigrants and do not have the authority to change a federal immigration policy are expected to bear the burden of Biden’s unjustifiable open border agenda,” DeSantis said.

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Westchester County Spokeswoman Democrat George Latimer told the New York Post that “there is nothing new” about the current situation in the area.

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– Why at night?

At a news conference this week, President Joe Bidens and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki were confronted with the flights reported in the New York Post.

– Why does the administration fly thousands of migrants from the border to Florida and New York in the middle of the night? asked Peter Doocy of Fox News Psaki at the press conference.

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– Well, I’m not so sure it’s in the middle of the night, Psaki replied, before she was interrupted by Doocy.

– We are talking about 02.30 and 04.29 at night, said Doocy, to which Psaki responded:

– Here we are talking about early flights, perhaps earlier than what you would like when you fly, said Psaki, and added:

– It is our legal responsibility to take care of unaccompanied children in a safe way until they can be reunited with a parent or an approved guardian in a quick way, says Psaki.

In recent weeks, unaccompanied children have been transported through Westchester Airport on their way to their final destinations to be reunited with a parent or an approved guardian. It is no surprise that one can see that the child travels through the states, this does not only apply to New York, says Psaki.

Watch video of Psaki’s statement here:

1.7 million immigrants arrested in one year

The recent figures that the Washington Post has had access to show that as many as 1.7 million immigrants have crossed the border from Mexico from September 2020 to the end of September this year. The number of arrests at the border is thus the highest in history, the newspaper writes.

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President Joe Biden promised in the election campaign that he would change the course of asylum and refugee policy that his predecessor in the White House, Donald Trump, outlined. Among other things, Biden abolished the so-called “Remain in Mexico” program, which was a rule that asylum seekers had to wait in Mexico while their application was being processed.

Watch video from the border with Mexico here (article continues below):

video data-videoid="9662025b-cb07-4f81-ac45-3bc24b16fc0f" data-starttime="" data-audio="" data-scrollenabled="false" data-adsdisabled="false" data-serviceshostname="services.api.no" data-outlier="false" data-title="" data-teasertitle="true">


– The numbers picked up speed after Biden

According to Washington Post The numbers skyrocketed after Biden was installed as president in January, and US authorities are now in talks with Mexico to restart the “Remain in Mexico” program, the newspaper writes.

But the problem for the United States is far from just Mexicans and people from Central America wanting to cross the border.

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The group that Americans define as “other” nations includes people from Haiti, Venezuela, Ecuador, Cuba and Brazil, as well as a dozen other nations. The recent figures show that as many as 367,000 people from these countries were arrested at the US border from September 2020 to September 2021.

This was followed by people from Honduras (309,000), Guatemala (279,000) and El Salvador (96,000).

A tripling

In total, as previously mentioned, the border police have taken care of as many as 1.3 million illegal immigrants since Biden became president. These figures are in stark contrast to previous years.

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Between 2012 and 2020, an average of 540,000 illegal immigrants came to the United States each year. The figures for 2021 are thus a tripling of the next highest figure ever measured, writes Washington Post.

Trump: – Terrorism is coming

Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly criticized President Joe Biden for his handling of immigrants on the border with Mexico.

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“Our border has gone from being the safest and safest in history, to the most damaged, dirty and disgusting wreck ever,” he writes in another statement.

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– No country has ever experienced anything like what is happening now at our southern border into the United States, and no country has ever been stupid enough to let something like this happen. Crime is going to rise to levels we have never seen before (we are actually there already) and terrorism will be the next big wave to come, Trump writes in a recent statement.

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Trump: – Do you miss me?

The next day, Trump followed up with the following criticism of Biden:

– The coronavirus is out of control, our supply chains are collapsing, leading to a shortage of goods in stores, we were humiliated in Afghanistan, our border is a complete disaster, petrol prices and inflation skyrocket – so how does Biden do that? Are you starting to miss me? writes Trump.

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– Extremely difficult case

Hilmar Mjelde, who is a senior researcher at the NORCE research center in Bergen and an expert on American politics, tells Nettavisen that “the USA lacks operational control over its southern border”, but that it is also nothing new.

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– Immigration from the south is just an extremely difficult issue to handle, both operationally and politically. Bush Jr., Obama and Trump are all failing with immigration reform.

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– All the presidents have in one way or another struggled with this topic for the last 40-50 years. Border rush is cyclical: There is a rush, then you tighten up, and then the case disappears from the news picture after a while, says Mjelde, who adds that the case is particularly difficult for democratic presidents.

– Not an acceptable situation

– They promise more humane immigration policy, and then have to tighten. Carter in 1980 and Clinton in 1994 struggled with refugee flows from Cuba. Obama was overwhelmed by the rush across the Mexican border in 2014. All three presidents had to introduce stricter immigration policies, says the US expert.

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– The Democrats have the same problem in immigration policy as the Republicans have with their health policy: They know what they are against, but not what they are for. One might well think that the United States should have a more liberal immigration policy, but the chaos on the Mexican border is not an acceptable situation, no matter where one is in the debate, says Mjelde.

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