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Donald Trump Disrupts Weddings in New York City Courthouse

@oneunderscore__ on Twitter In New York, Trump lived up to his reputation as a wedding disruptor

@oneunderscore__ on Twitter

In New York, Trump lived up to his reputation as a wedding disruptor

UNITED STATES – Donald Trump has made a specialty of inviting himself to weddings celebrated on his golf courses or in his luxury hotels, taking advantage of the opportunity to make political speeches and very often ignoring the bride and groom.

He showed this Tuesday, April 4, that habits die hard: his appearance before a New York judge attracted a crowd of demonstrators, journalists and curious people who disrupted the day of the couples who came to formalize their union at the New York Marriage Bureau. York, across the street.

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“I didn’t realize this was where it was happening”, tells on NBC Peter Don, 30, came to pass the ring on the finger of Monique Beckford Khalia. “ It’s fun, but it’s not going to ruin our day”. “It’s our day”insists Monique, 25 years old.

« But love finds its way! College sweethearts Khalia Beckford and Peter Don are getting married at City Hall, right next to the media circus. She bought her dress last night at Macy’s: “I didn’t expect this”, she says of the police and the media. “It won’t ruin my big day” ».

“The best wedding gift ever”

« Daniel and Chris met a year ago today. That’s why, a few weeks ago, they decided to get married this afternoon. They have just left the clerk’s office – just as news broke that former President Donald Trump’s motorcade is about to arrive so he can be stopped. »

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« Carmen and Casper got married today at the courthouse. They had no idea this would happen. On leaving, they were surprised by the police barricades. “ We can’t walk anywhere”said Carmen. »

« This couple are getting married today at the courthouse right next to the criminal court where Trump is arraigned. Before entering, they shouted “ The best wedding gift ever! ” »

Jason Mcfarland and Dominic Lamarco had also chosen this date well in advance to get married, but they had not anticipated the media circus that would surround them. “It’s something we’ll never forget, that’s for sure”, comments Jason, 38. For Dominic, having Donald Trump indicted on his wedding day makes the occasion “even happier”.

See also on Le HuffPost :

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