Home » today » Health » Dominique Scheepens: Electroconvulsive therapy can help many more severely depressed patients

Dominique Scheepens: Electroconvulsive therapy can help many more severely depressed patients

Editorial Medicalfacts/ Janine Budding 20 april 2022 – 08:51

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a good treatment for severe, long-term depressed patients. Negative memories can make patients more likely to relapse into depression. This is the first study to show that ECT can improve negative thoughts and memories in depressed patients.

Research with data from the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA) shows that patients with a long-term (longer than 2 years) depressive disorder are treated too little with ECT. Only 1.2% of this group receives this therapy while 26% of this group may benefit from ECT. This means that every year 20,000 patients do not receive this treatment, even though they are eligible for it. Referrals for ECT get stuck in daily practice. Scheepens therefore concludes that depressive disorders are still not optimally treated. There are unnecessarily many depressed patients who are not properly referred or informed.

Fade Away – Targeting negative schemas with electroconvulsive therapy

Source: Amsterdam UMC

Editorial Medicalfacts/ Janine Budding

I have specialized in interactive news for healthcare providers, so that healthcare providers are informed every day of the news that may be relevant to them. Both lay news and news specific to healthcare providers and prescribers. Social Media, Womens Health, Patient advocacy, patient empowerment, personalized medicine & Care 2.0 and the social domain are spearheads for me to pay extra attention to.

I studied physiotherapy and health care business administration. I am also a registered Independent client supporter and informal care broker. I have a lot of experience in various positions in healthcare, the social domain and the medical, pharmaceutical industry, nationally and internationally. And have broad medical knowledge of most specialties in healthcare. And of the health care laws from which health care is regulated and financed. Every year I attend most of the leading medical conferences in Europe and America to keep my knowledge up-to-date and to keep up with the latest developments and innovations. I am currently doing a Masters in Applied Psychology.

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