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Dominique Poirier appointed General Delegate of Quebec in New York

Dominique Poirier, 50, worked for over 25 years at Radio-Canada, television and radio, as well as at the Information Network. Dominique Poirier started working for the public broadcaster in 1985. She notably hosted the late show Point.

“We found her application interesting because she is a very great generalist who has demonstrated during her years of journalism her ability to quickly seize files and communicate them well, an essential quality for this position. He is also someone who, through his presence and his personality, represents the image of a young, dynamic and modern Quebec that we want to project outside, ”explained Minister Lisée on Wednesday.

As part of the show 24/60, at RDI, parliamentary columnist Gilbert Lavoie specified that it was Dominique Poirier herself who offered her services to the government a few months ago. Mr. Lisée affirmed that there had been several candidates.

The Minister of International Relations underlined that another woman was thus added to Quebec diplomacy, extolling in passing the career of the new delegate. “Ms. Poirier has demonstrated, in her career, great independence and great integrity, and we also noted that the Liberal Party had used her services to moderate her leadership race,” added Jean-François Lisée. So we said to ourselves: here is someone who can represent Quebec very well, represent the government of the Parti Québécois, of course, represent the policies of the government, but who also had the confidence of the opposition. “

Dominique Poirier obtains a three-year term, which could be extended by the government if necessary, and an annual salary of $ 175,000. Ms. Poirier will be at work on Thursday, where she will participate in a meeting between the Government of Quebec and the Lieutenant Governor of New York State. The offices of the General Delegation of Quebec in the American megalopolis are located at One Rockefeller Plaza, in the heart of Manhattan.

The post in New York had been vacant since André Boisclair was relieved of his duties, at his request, at the end of September, to allow him to sue the Coalition futur Quebec, the deputy Jacques Duchesneau and the leader of the CAQ, François Legault, for damage to his reputation. Mr. Boisclair has since accepted the chairmanship of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement Review Committee.

It should be noted that another journalist, Stéphane Paquet, was appointed Québec Delegate General in London last year.

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