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Domenico De Rosa and the tale of Poseidon

Domenico De Rosahonorary president of Poseidon and CEO of the SMET group, spoke about the great result of the Pestana team, which obtained the pass to the play-off final which leads to the jump in category: that of Promotion. The victory within friendly walls against theAgropoli Cilento. «An extraordinary moment for Cilento football and in particular for the city of Poor – reports De Rosa -. We saw a full stadium in every order of seats and an incredible participation, and this beyond the result that rewarded Poseidon, against a very talented opponent like the team of Agropoli».

The honorary president of the first team of the Temples wanted to underline all the emotion of the moment of remembrance of four young athletes from the area who passed away prematurely: Vincenzo Russo, Peppe Seno, Roberto Ruggieri e Carmine Palluotto. «It was an extremely emotional moment that tugged at the heartstrings of everyone present. Football, being the most practiced sport in the world, has a tangible and undeniable function. Football is a social engine and here, in this sport, we find fundamental value elements. In football, the rules and decisions must be respected, and there is respect for the opponent, who is never an enemy. Furthermore, in football, the meritocratic principle always prevails: whoever deserves the most from a sporting, character or behavioral point of view goes on the pitch». Ethics of effort, commitment, constancy, discipline and respect: all elements which, for De Rosa, «are reflected outside the playing fields and which positively direct both individuals and entire communities». Precisely this term, community, becomes an essential and essential element for connecting the individual (with other individuals) through sport.

«Community is the strength of a territory. No man is an island: when a territory coagulates, as happened yesterday around a team, broader objectives can be achieved. The prerequisite is this. An important synergy has been built around a common value and feeling, in this case a value and feeling of identity and belonging. And from this synergy, fomented by football and, in our case, by Poseidon, the greatest of energies are born and released. Energy that we really need to take flight, as a community and as a territory».

Thinking about the future and beyond short-term results, De Rosa underlines that the best investment that can be made is the one that bets on young people, to whom values ​​must be transmitted on and off the field. «With the Poseidon – underlines De Rosa – we are going in this direction. I have long supported the positive correlation, and causal link, between sporting ethics and social action. It is a combination that, carried forward with passion and foresight – concludes the honorary president of Poseidon -, will deliver extraordinary results, both on the green rectangle and in the wonderful territory of the temples».

#Domenico #Rosa #tale #Poseidon
– 2024-05-07 12:59:07

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