In the following El Comercio article, you can review the quote or dollar price in Venezuelaaccording to DólarToday and Monitor Dólar, and its latest report with a value of 46.85 digital bolivars on its last day. Likewise, in this same note you will be able to know the movements and value of the dollar or greenback in Venezuelan territory for today, Wednesday, October 30, 2024.
How much is the dollar worth in Venezuela today, October 30?
The dollar is at 46.85 digital bolivars on his last day in the informal market of Venezuelaaccording to portal data DolarToday. Meanwhile, Dollar Monitor The US currency was quoted at a price of 46,8 digital bolivars.,
Likewise, the BCV dollar (official dollar rate) had a value of 42,23 digital bolivars, while the Bitcoin dollar came to 51,96 digital bolivars.
What is known about Bolívar Digital?
It is the currency that governs the country after the third monetary reconversion that was applied by the Government. The new measure implied that for every million sovereign bolivars, one digital bolivar would be obtained or, in other words, six zeros were deleted from the amounts previously drawn.
What is the DollarToday?
It is a Venezuelan-American media company, run by Venezuelans residing in the United States, that focuses its attention on political and financial issues in Venezuela.
What is the Dollar Monitor?
Dollar Monitor is a platform that publishes the average of the dollar in Venezuela on a daily basis in the parallel currency market.