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“Doing nothing is an art, avoiding it being known is a science”

Doing nothing is an art, and the social security of artists-authors (the former Agessa, whose name still resonates when we talk about the “writers’ retirement scandal”) seems to have mastered this art to perfection. Its last board meeting was held on…

READ – Does the Social Security of artists-authors work against its beneficiaries?

Despite the internal regulations specifying that it must take place every three months, it had been five months since the previous one – due to the discreet dismissal of the director of the SSAA, and a semantic tour de force consisting of saying ” three months = one quarter, April is 2nd quarter and September is 3rd so 5 months = one quarter”.

In any case, we could fear, after 150 days without a decision, that this September CA would be long and loaded with outstanding files – for example that of social assistance requests, the redemption of arrears contributions, internal regulations always deficient with regard to the law or, even more simply, the possibility for the CA to be held in person (remember that the representatives of the AA who sit there voluntarily are always supposed to go to Paris to carry our voice).

Fortunately, the SSAA was able to avoid dealing with these files.

In short, it was simply a matter of voting for a ban on defending the authors.

READ – The Court of Auditors investigates the pension fund of artist-authors

We suspect that the proposal was received with a certain freshness, and debated at length, to the point that the president (also a volunteer, but who hates meetings to drag on, because he has a swimming pool and that is important) had to cut on the agenda, refusing to deal with burning issues, but also to dwell on the comfortable compensation that the SSAA will pay to its former director (dismissed? Resettled? On sick leave? Impossible to know, but nothing to fear on the financial side).

Thus, in less than 3 hours, the CA was closed. The outstanding issues remained outstanding, as did the artist authors. But, luckily, for the next CA (in three months? Five? More?) the president promised to come back with a new version of his gag clause… which will rid us of the right to complain.

Doing nothing is an art, and avoiding it being known is a science. We can only admire the talent of those who master both.

Photo credits: congerdesign CC 0

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