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“Doesn’t a psychologist need to go to the palace?” – from what mental disorders could the characters of the “Great Age” suffer

Intrigue and the constant struggle for survival led many heroes of the series “Magnificent Century” to the development of mental disorders. What mental disorders could the characters of the famous Turkish series have?

Sultan Suleiman – perfidiophobia (fear of betrayal by a dear person)

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Having become a sultan, Suleiman most of all wished to rule wisely and fairly. The pursuit of ideal led to the emergence of a number of fears among the ruler: fear for loved ones, fear of being an unworthy leader of the country, fear for one’s life and fear of betrayal.
With age, fear of betrayal prevailed, especially from loved ones. Recall how easily he ordered the execution of Mustafa and Ibrahim, did not spare the son of Bayazid, and even his young children.
After each event, Suleiman suffered great suffering, but could not help himself. Any hint of betrayal deprived him of clarity of thoughts, and the Sultan made cruel decisions.

Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska – the initial stage split personality, chronic stress


Beloved of the Sultan Suleiman has experienced a lot in her life, and living in the palace is not so easy, especially when many are opposed to you. The woman understood that in order to survive in the conditions of fierce competition, she must be constantly on her guard.
The desire to fully control the situation led Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska to nightmares and increased anxiety, as well as to personality disorder.
When she planned to get rid of Shekhzadeh Mustafa, the woman very much worries about his loss, despite the fact that just a few minutes ago she was happy and was triumphant that her plan was a success. Such frequent mood swings and inconsistency in their actions are the first symptoms of a developing split personality.

Ibrahim – megalomania (delusions of grandeur)


The slave boy, who became the great vizier of the Ottoman Empire, was dizzy with success. He began to exaggerate the significance of his activities, as well as himself. He was drawn into his own fantasy world, in which he possessed an indestructible power.
Ibrahim began to behave accordingly: make decisions behind Suleiman’s back, and even imagine himself in the place of a great ruler, considering that he and the Sultan are one and the same.

Hatice – cyclothymia, turning into bipolar affective disorder

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At first glance, Hatice is a meek, sweet and well-mannered girl. But over time, the duality of her character begins to be noticeable, prompting Khatija to dutifully follow her fate, or to hurt herself in order to avoid undesirable events.
Too impressionable and sensitive, she is hard going through what is happening to her. In the future, Hatice even begins to commit insanity: suicide attempts, outbreaks of uncontrolled aggression, after which she begins long periods of depression and fatigue.
All this is characteristic of bipolar personality disorder, which can begin with cyclothymia, alternating periods of activity, both physical and mental.

Mahidevran – an asterisk type of psychopathy

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The beautiful smiling woman from the first series was liked by the audience, but then unpleasant changes began to occur with her. Her excessive attachment to the Sultan was too romantic, so when the rival loomed on the horizon, Mahidevran began to make rash actions. Anger overwhelmed her, which had a bad effect on her state of health.
The attack on Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska was completely unplanned, in a state of passion. Makhidevran was greatly shaken by the psyche when the Sultan made it clear that this act was a big mistake. But the woman did not draw conclusions, but continued to commit rash actions with all the passion characteristic of a hysterical disorder.
The psychopathy of Mahidevran kept pushing her to harm her rival, although it would have been wiser to step aside for a while. Alas, the psychological breakdown gradually triumphed, and the woman turned into a real hysteria.

Mihrimah – emotionally unstable personality disorder + excellent student syndrome

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The timid princess, who became the “puppet” of her own mother, obediently carrying out everything that she had ordered her to do. She tried to earn the approval of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska, involuntarily copying her behavior, facial expressions and words.
Internal conflicts arising from such blind obedience also led to emotional personality disorder, which is characterized by insecurity and doubts both in oneself and in others, a quick switch between opposing feelings, a feeling of emptiness and abandonment.
Mihrimah experienced the influence of the imperious parent on herself, so she was embarrassed by her own desires, and the independent solution of the questions was given to her with difficulty and was accompanied by severe emotional torment.

But do not take the listed disorders of your favorite characters too seriously, because the “diagnoses” are preliminary and require a more accurate “examination”.

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