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Does white bread cause diabetes?.. Watch.. a nutritionist answers and explains the real problem!

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Nutrition expert Dr. Ruwaida Idris said that the food does not cause any disease, be it cancer or anything else, pointing out that the main problem is the preservatives that are added to it.

Idris added, in an intervention on the “My Lady” program on the “Gulf Rotana” channel, that in all countries of the world it is the Food Authority that determines the proportions that are added to the bread, which should not cause any damage.

He continued: “If I eat a lot of sweets with artificial coloring, the harm will come from misuse and not from the product itself. I have no doubts about the Food and Drug Authority at worker level who are very careful before giving permission to produce any Product.

And he continued: Our Food Authority has its eyes open to every small and large, and nothing harmful will pass through it, and all breads have a shelf life of no more than 3 days, and this is the largest proof that industrial materials are not added to it and cocoa or coffee can be added to give it a brown color.

As for whether bread causes diabetes, he concluded that nothing would happen if you followed a normal diet and ate half a loaf a day.

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