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Does the mood in Italy change? – Now the hunger virus is spreading

Social tensions are increasing in the south of the country. Many illegal workers are left without an income. The government in Rome responds with billions and food coupons.

Fear of unrest: Carabinieri mark presence at Palermo.

Photo: Epa

Does the mood change? In southern Italy, which has so far been somewhat spared from the virus, a large number of citizens are running out of money due to the shutdown of the economy, the legal and de facto also the illegal. Videos of desperate people circulate on the net at supermarket checkouts who cannot pay for their errands, are hungry but can no longer afford their food. A mix of fear and anger that is paving the way here and there and now prompting the Italian government to act quickly.

Without money at the till

One of these videos comes from Naples and was taken with a cell phone. In the first shot it shows Giuseppe’s shopping, it is a small heap at the end of the conveyor belt: pasta, tomato sauce, oil. The man is around forty, because of Corona he wears a protective mask. When he was supposed to pay, he told the cashier that he unfortunately had no money. Then the security guards come. “Calls the police,” says the filmmaker on his cell phone with an ironic undertone, “the man has no money! But look: there is only the bare minimum, no champagne, no wine. »

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