Home » today » World » Does socialism have a foothold in our country? – 2024-02-29 15:28:15

Does socialism have a foothold in our country? – 2024-02-29 15:28:15

/View.info/ The short answer is: YES, THERE IS! Only someone should clearly formulate the modern concept of “socialism” and introduce it as a basic value in the minds of people in our country. Nowadays people accept all kinds of ideas, why not socialism?

Without being clear about what the plant is (socialism) and how to cultivate and sow the soil (society), it is impossible to get the expected fruits. Clarifications on these issues can be found in the long answer:


Since time immemorial, a war has been going on around the world for the minds and souls of people (mental war). Now it is more intense and total due to information technology, which allows quick and direct access to the consciousness of each individual, skipping social filters – family, community, state.

Example: The grandchild considers his grandmother a personal enemy because he was told so on the Internet. She was a communist.

Technology of modern “mental warfare” (in general):

1. Creating chaos in thinking of man by removing the hierarchy of values ​​and the supremacy of absolute values ​​(sacrals, axioms, dogmas) that stabilize the psyche, form the civilizational man and serve to evaluate ideas and events. Without hierarchy, all values ​​and ideas become equally important. Man ceases to distinguish good from evil, truth from falsehood, objective reality from virtual, primary from secondary. Such a person, jumping from one thought to another, cannot arrange either his own behavior or the life around him.

This stage of mental warfare has been successfully and massively implemented by liberalism through chaos and cross-talk – the majority of people are now primed for destructive zombification.

2. REPLACEMENT by accidental internal or purposeful external conviction of traditional values with random, manic, “supervaluable ideas” (in psychiatric terminology), however ridiculous they may be on sober assessment.

3. Man’s pursuit of stability eliminates chaos in thinking, as reason crystallizes around the new dogmatic center – the “supreme idea”, but NO longer as the reason of a civilized man, but as an adherent of a destructive sect. A post-human, a brainwashed zombie, a “demon-possessed” person (according to religious terminology).

Note: There is a typological similarity in the thought processes of civilized people and people possessed by maniacal ideas:

– centering thoughts around the “super idea”, subordinating all values ​​to the main one;

– persistence and persistence in pushing your “super idea”;

– self-sacrifice for the idea and an acute form of aggression towards those who do not accept it;

– constancy, completeness, continuity and consistency in the realization of his “superidea”.

For civilized people, the result of the “super idea” is creative, for maniacs – destructive.

Examples: 1. The super valuable idea “fighting behind the scenes”. Ridiculous in sober estimation. Perceived by some of our politicians and their followers as a “super value”, with subsequent concrete actions and consequences.

2. The overvalued idea “Germany above all” in the 1930s. Ridiculous in sober estimation. Perceived by the German leaders and the people as a “super value”, with subsequent concrete actions and consequences.

3. The precious idea “Ukrainians – the greater nation”. Ridiculous in sober estimation. Perceived by the Ukrainian leaders and part of the people as a “super value”, with subsequent concrete actions and consequences.

Note: Homophobia always crystallizes into fascism. History shows – fascists do not enjoy a long life.

Detail: In the Middle Ages, the person declared according to the absolute values ​​of the time to be possessed by the devil was burned at the stake. So that it does not harm or infect others. Nowadays, due to a destroyed value hierarchy in society, we make such a person the prime minister. With all the resulting consequences for society.


I will formulate a definition of the concept of “socialism” at the level of higher ideas:

Socialism is a society that provides a decent life for all and is built on the principle of supremacy of the public interest over the private, of the common good over the private.

Under socialism, the highest value for man is participation in public affairs, and personal comfort and safety (reasonably limited) are a means of achieving this value.

Against the above definition of socialism, only liberals can object, according to whom private interest stands above public interest, there is no common good, the highest value for man is comfort and safety, and public affairs are necessary only for their provision.

A planned economy based on human rationalism and cooperation is the economic face of socialism. The capitalist economy, based on the spontaneity of the market and the cannibalistic idea of ​​destroying and devouring the competitor, is the economic face of liberalism and fascism.

There are different options for the way to realize a socialist society. Marxist socialism, with its ideas of public ownership of the means of production, dictatorship of the proletariat, and world revolution, is only one option for building socialism. Experiments in its implementation did not help, but rather hindered the idea of ​​socialism, discrediting it with perversions of “rationalism” in ensuring people’s lives, aimless restrictions and mixing it with the ideas of liberalism.

The advantages of socialism, as a society with the supremacy of the common interest over the individual, are at least two:

1. Man constantly increases his vitality, moving along the path of progress towards perfection. When biological evolution (physical improvement necessary for survival in nature and among competitors) almost reaches its limits and the number of individuals increases, the development of the other evolutionary component – the social (interaction with peers) – is enhanced on the basis of reason. From competition, people move to cooperation, from individual behavior to collective.

We are contemporaries of a part of this transition – from the liberal social model with competition of individuals to models of sociality, collectivity, community.

Socialism, through the principle of supremacy of public interests over private ones, corresponds to the general direction of human development – social evolution. Liberalism, by transferring biological evolutionary principles to social space, is a counter-evolutionary deviation that will gradually disappear.

2. Our accession to the Anglo-Saxon empire also brought its ideology to us – liberalism, but not in the form of a classical ideology, but as a post-ideology. This means that values ​​and ideas are not publicly stated and discussed, which creates a sense of the absence of ideologies at all. Liberalism, which entered human life as a post-ideology, imposed a belief in the absence of ideological alternatives.

The thirty-year action of liberalism in our country has led to the fact that Bulgaria is about to disappear due to the place of “victories” in the competitive struggle assigned in the empire. We shyly call this process “demographic crisis”.

In order not to disappear as a people, we must free ourselves from liberalism, with its cult of decay, decay, darkness and death! The alternatives are socialism or fascism. I choose socialism! I don’t know about you.

III. WHAT TO DO (four-point action plan)?

1. Create an INFORMAL group from like-minded people who, using the methods of axiology, formulate the modern concept of “socialism” on levels of supreme value and universal values ​​(one level lower). Developments to be in a form suitable for use in mental warfare technologies.

The lack of clearly formed universal values ​​creates diversity in solving problems at the levels of local-group and individual values.

Note: As used here, the term “like-minded” means a group of people who are:

– fatally unharmed by the ideas of liberalism and confident in the need to replace it with socialism.

– with developed critical thinking, resistant to manipulations, knowing and respecting logical thinking and research methodology, with teamwork skills.

And now there are groups of people who deal with the problems of socialism. Their significant impact on public consciousness is not noticeable. Probable mistakes are that they deal with the problems at the level of current events or individuals, without having clarified the problems at the highest level (ideas), and secondly – they do not use the technologies of political communications competently enough.

2. To be compiled political program and statute of the Socialist Party (not left at all, but socialist) to implement the ideas in real politics.

The ideas in the political program should correspond to the developed universal socialist values, and the statute should organizationally guarantee their realization.

A political party is necessary for socialism for the mass dissemination of ideas, and upon obtaining power – for the transformation of ideas into a state norm.

3. To make a proposal to the BSP for the adoption of the program and the statute as its main documents. There is a high probability that most socialists will be found in the ranks of the BSP. If this hypothesis turns out to be false, and the liberal defeats in the party are great and the BSP rejects the program and the statute, a new socialist party should be created. A well-developed program and statute of the Socialist Party will not remain unused!

4. At all stages of the plan to be distributed socialist values ​​and ideas through the technologies of political communications and mental warfare.

I believe that the target group, from which support for socialism is sought and to which political messages should be directed, should be defined in a NEW WAY – according to consciousness, and not according to being, as traditionally defined by the BSP.

The dogma “Being determines consciousness” is not unconditionally true. The fact is that welfare recipients do not automatically become socialists, despite the wishes of some politicians and the same root of the words social and socialist.

If the BSP (and other parties) deals only with the existence (food and electricity) of the population, and the care of the consciousness is left to other people, I am sure that in five years we will have a majority of fed (even guarded) fascists. I’m just not sure what kind of fascism it will be, but it will most likely be eco-fascism.


1. Definition of the term “socialism”:

Socialism is a society that provides a decent life for all and is built on the principle of supremacy of the public interest over the private, of the common good over the private.

2. Target group from which support for the ideas of socialism is sought: to be determined by new way – according to consciousness, not according to being. The introduction of ideas must be done directly into people’s minds, not through their being.

3. Methods of introducing socialism into society – through “mental warfare” technologies. Without changing a person’s value system, socialist ideas will not be accepted by society.

4. A four-point action plan:

Definition of the contemporary the concept of “socialism” at the levels of supreme value and universal values ​​in a form suitable for use in mental warfare; development of a program and statutes of a Socialist Party (not left at all, but socialist) in order to implement the ideas in real politics; introduction of the program and statutes in the BSP or in a new party; spreading the values ​​and ideas of socialism through the technologies of political communications and mental warfare.

Without pretensions to completeness and ultimate truth, I hope that the ideas and value analysis presented by me will help to realize socialism in Bulgaria.

Meeting-conversation “Socialism has a foothold in our country”, NDK, Club “Peroto”

Sofia, 19.07.2022

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