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Does Pope Francis delay his pastoral visit to Spain?

Francisco Bergoglio He was born on December 17, 1936, the son of Italian emigrants: his father, Mario, was an employee on the railroad, while his mother was a housewife and took care of the education of her five children. He studied chemical technician, and later entered the diocesan seminary of Villa Devoto. On March 11, 1958, he went to the novitiate of the Jesus company. He broadened his studies in the humanities in Chile and in 1963, upon returning to Argentina, he graduated in philosophy from the Colegio San José. Between 1964 and 1965 he was a professor of literature and psychology at the Colegio de la Inmaculada de Santa Fe and, in 1966, he taught at the Colegio del Salvador in Buenos Aires. From 1967 to 1970 he studied Theology at Colegio San José, where he graduated.

On December 13, 1969, he received priestly ordination from Archbishop Ramón José Castellano. Preparation continued in the Society of Jesus from 1970 to 1971, in Alcalá de Henares (Spain), and on April 22, 1973 he made his perpetual profession. On his return to Argentina, he served as novice master at Villa Barilari in San Miguel, was a professor at the Faculty of Theology, a consultant for the province of the Society of Jesus and also rector of the College.

On July 31, 1973 he was elected Provincial of the Jesuits of Argentina, where he stayed for six years. Later he returned to teaching work in the university field and between 1980 and 1986 he is again rector of the San José school, as well as parish priest in San Miguel. In March 1986, he moved to Germany to complete his doctoral thesis; later the superiors sent him to the Colegio del Salvador in Buenos Aires and later to the church of the Company in the city of Córdoba, as spiritual director and confessor.

In his time as archbishop of Buenos Aires, he gave his mandate a populist look, easy to nest in a town with so many years of political Peronism.

The cardinal Antonio Quarracino He claims him as a close collaborator in Buenos Aires. On May 20, 1992, John Paul II appointed him titular bishop of Auca and auxiliary of Buenos Aires. On June 27, he received his episcopal ordination in the Cathedral. As motto you choose Pity and choosing and in the shield includes the cryptogram ihs, symbol of the Society of Jesus (The motto of Pope Francis comes from the Homilies of Saint Bede the Venerable, priest (Home. 21; CCL 122, 149-151), who, commenting on the Gospel episode of the vocation of Saint Matthew, writes: “Jesus therefore saw the publican, and because he saw it in pity and choice, and said to him, Follow me. trd, Jesus saw a publican, and as he looked at him with a feeling of love and chose him, he said: follow me). In his time as archbishop of Buenos Aires, he gave his mandate a populist look, easy to nest in a town with so many years of political Peronism. His speech focuses on four points: open and fraternal communities; protagonism of a conscientious laity who works side by side with the priests; evangelization à la carte for each of the members of the community; assistance to the most disadvantaged, the poor and the sick.

On March 13, 2013, at the conclave held after the resignation of Benedict XVI, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected Pope, with the name of Francisco, in honor of the saint of Assisi. Starting the papacy with the act of humility of living in the house of Santa Marta and not in the Apostolic Palace like its predecessors. Among the actions that to date have characterized his pontificate are his initiatives to reform the Roman Curia in fields as diverse as economy and finance, administration, ecclesiastical courts and canon law, social communications, health, the laity. and the family. With this he advocated solutions to issues as complex as transparency in finances, coherence between the evangelizing mission and economic activity, simplification of bureaucracy, effective communication, marriage annulment, the struggle against pedophilia and abuse, and the protection of minors and migrants.

At the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Bergoglio said that he would not make too many international trips due to his old age, but has already visited 42 countries and has several others scheduled.

Let’s briefly review the Pope’s travels: in 2013, he traveled to Brazil for World Youth Day. It was in 2014, to the Holy Land, South Korea, Albania, Strasbourg and Turkey. In 2015, he visited the Philippines, Bosnia Herzegovina, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Cuba and the USA, Kenya, the Central African Republic and Uganda. In 2016, Mexico, Croatia, Armenia, Poland, Azerbaijan, Sweden, IN 2017, Egypt, Portugal, Colombia, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. In 2018, Chile, Peru, Switzerland, Ireland, the Baltic States. In 2019, Panama, United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Thailand and Japan. In 2021, Iran, Hungary, Slovakia, Cyprus and Greece. They are not few for a Pope who sees himself older.

Thus, Francis has scarcely been lavished on European Catholic countries. Among the 42 countries he has visited so far, not counting Italy, the exceptions have been Lithuania, within the journey through the Baltic countries; Ireland; Portugal, for the centenary of the apparitions of Fatima; and, Poland, for WYD. He was also in Switzerland, but exclusively to attend the UN headquarters in Geneva; and he set foot in France, although only to go to the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

“Okay, I’m going to think about it.” On another flight from Rome to Rabat, he was even more cryptic: “I’d like to.” On the flight to Abu Dhabi, the Holy Father noted that “first you have to agree.”

Why hasn’t Pope Francis visited Spain yet, as this country is a traditional spiritual reserve of the West? His predecessors, Juan Pablo II, visited Spain on five occasions and Benedict XVIII in three, both in praise of crowds.

To questions from journalists about a possible trip to Spain, the Pope has limited himself to responding cordially with evasions. During a flight from Rome to Sofia, at the insistence of journalists, he replied: “Okay, I’m going to think about it.”. On another flight from Rome to Rabat, he was even more cryptic: “I would like”. On the flight to Abu Dhabi, the Holy Father noted that “first you have to agree.”

Pope Francis was invited to visit Spain, by the government of Mariano Rajoy, together with the Bishopric of Avila, for the celebration of the V centenary of the birth of Saint Teresa of Jesus, the Vatican declined the invitation, due to the internal struggle that occurred at that time in the Spanish Episcopal Conference. The pontiff himself commented that he would go to Spain “when there was peace and they reached an agreement.” And what was the Pope referring to first, please first agree? At that time the Episcopal Conference was going through a delicate moment, and a minority of its members were fond of the new Pope. Later with the current government when the exhumation of Franco from the Valley of the Fallen was carried out, the official position of the Holy See is that it did not oppose the exhumation of the dictator, “if the competent authorities have so decided,” it was commented that Pope Francis he didn’t think it was bad. It should be remembered that it was the same head of state of Spain, Francisco Franco, who not so many years before, the Catholic Church had under palio. It has also been commented on the little impact that some directives of this Pope have had on the Spanish clergy, especially in reference to having little love for material goods, in relation to the immatriculation of property of the people by some bishoprics. And as if this were not enough, there is the problem of pedophilia among members of the Catholic clergy that, if it was already raining in the wet, now there is the dossier made by the newspaper El País in 2021, with a list of 251 complaints of sexual abuse (El Oldest case of the report dates from 1943, and the most recent from 2018). All are unpublished, except for 13 already published, which have been included because new complaints have arisen against these clerics), which affects 31 religious orders and 31 dioceses, which were handed over to the Pope on December 2, and to the Episcopal Conference, this dossier seems devastating, if everything that has been written there is proven.

Finally, there has been talk of a new and perhaps the last opportunity for Francisco to travel to Spain in 2022. And although a priori the Holy Year of Compostela could be thought of as an argument, as it was for John Paul II and Benedict XVI, the claim more Another would be strong: the 500 years since the conversion of Saint Ignatius of Loyola (Ignatius of Loyola was from a noble family, and in his youth a soldier, as well as known for his licentious life), founder of the Society of Jesus. Without a doubt, for him first Jesuit Pope in history This event is a milestone to such an extent that it has already shown its support for a jubilee, which begins on May 20 and will end on July 31, 2022. King Felipe VI seems to have already sent the corresponding formal letter to Pope Francis.

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