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Does negative news on the radio affect advertising performance?

A duda that is in the radio industry is if the hard news with themes related to murders, the Middle East, Donald Trump, inflation, poverty, Joe Biden, could affect advertising performance of the brands that are promoted at these types of stations.

Recently ThinkNewBrands has published the findings of its analysis called ‘The Future of News: Ad Adjacency Study’, in which it interviewed about 50,000 adults in the United States. In this study, radio stations were divided into according to the type of news they broadcastthat is to say ‘commingle’ (business, sports and entertainment) and ‘hard’.

It is shown that the average percentage of positive brand perception from the advertisements placed on the radio hard news rose to 67.2 %, This compared to the 68.3 % from the radio stations soft newsSome of the parameters that this study measures are: reliability, value and quality.

The findings show us that brand perception does not vary depending on the type of content broadcast on the stations where advertising executions appear.

One of the attributes measured says: “The brand cares about customers,” which maintains a stable perception both on radio stations soft and hard news. Also in attributes like “good value” and “quality products,” where there could be variations depending on the type of content people listen to, there are not significant variations.

This note was made based on an article published by Radio Ink.

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